Recycling Program Intern

Position Type

Type of Student: Undergraduate

College Major Preference: None

Anticipated length of Internship Project: Semester

Are there any required days or hours for this internship project? 8-12 hours/week

When would you like the student to start/end? February 2024 - May 2024

Is this a paid position? No

Who will mentor the Intern? This internship is an extension of academic instruction and provides the opportunity to turn classroom instruction into practical application in the workplace.  The intern will draw upon the knowledge gained through their college coursework in order to perform the principal assignment and/or projects of this internship.

Briefly describe the main purpose of the internship: To gain experience in administering a multi-faceted recycling program within a County-government organization.  The internship includes exposure to a diverse range of skill sets, including marketing, business development, publications, graphic design, environmental policy and solid waste facility operations.  Activities include: Developing recycling outreach pieces for print and web publication using computer software applications; presenting the “Recycle More Recycle Right” message to school children and to adult audiences; conduct site tours of the Millersville Landfill and Resource Recovery Facility, and promoting the County’s recycling programs to residential and commercial customers.  

List preferred experience/courses taken:

  • Marketing
  • Environmental Studies
  • Public Administration
  • Communications
  • Business Administration
  • Graphic Design

Describe the Intern's principal learning assignments and/or projects.  What will the Intern learn about, be exposed to, or assist with? 

  • Assist with the development of outreach pieces for print, mail or web publication.
  • Assist with preparing an outreach presentation and delivery to public audience.
  • Learn about the recycling industry and the recycling programs offered by Anne Arundel County.

Describe what the Intern will achieve through this experience: An understanding of public service provided by County Government.  Communication with citizens regarding the importance of recycling, source reduction, landfill preservation and the preservation of natural resources.   The intern will gain a broader perspective of the waste management industry, including the effort required to manage a successful recycling program within a local government framework.          


If you are interested, please complete the Internship Applicationspecify the internship for which you are applying, and submit the application with a copy of your official college transcript indicating your cumulative grade point average to the Internship Program Coordinator at or mail it to:

Anne Arundel County Government
Office of Personnel
Attention: Internship Program Coordinator
Post Office Box 6675
Annapolis, Maryland  21401