Community Meeting Calendar
View a list of future meetings that are scheduled
Past Meetings Available for Comments
Recordings of meetings will be posted to the website for comments and questions by the public
Past Meetings Closed for Comments
The details of past community meetings are posted to the website for public reference
Information for Meeting Applicants
Applicants must follow and comply with §17-2-107 of the County Code when scheduling and hosting community meetings for development and/or modification applications.
Any community meetings scheduled to occur on or after October 10, 2022, may be in-person, hybrid (in-person with a virtual component), or virtual-only
If anyone requests an in-person meeting, the applicant must accommodate and conduct the meeting in person. The mailed notice for virtual-only meetings must specify that any objections to the virtual meeting format must be given in writing at least one business day prior to the meeting date by emailing OPZCommunityMeetings@aacounty.org. County Holidays and weekend days are excluded from business days. Rescheduled meetings require a new mailed notice.
For final plan or site development plan submittals where §17-2-107 of the County Code requires a community meeting be held within 45 days after project submission, OPZ suggests the applicant hold either an in-person or hybrid meeting to ensure the 45-day time requirement is met and the project is not voided.
For projects in the Odenton Town Center, refer to page 150, 2.0 Development Approval Process, in the Odenton Town Center Master Plan 2016 for community meeting notification requirements. Odenton Town Center community meetings may be scheduled through Mark Wildonger at pzwild00@aacounty.org.
General Community Meeting Information
Detailed process and guidance is provided below for hosting virtual community meetings:
- Not less than 28 days prior to the community meeting, applicants for project types regulated under §17-2-107 of the County Code shall submit an Online Community Meeting Request Form. Hard copy forms are not accepted.
- The Property Details Viewer was created to assist applicants in filling out the Online Community Meeting Request Form. Instructions for how to use the online tool are listed in the About page of the Property Details Viewer.
- As part of the online form, the applicant will be asked what type of community will be held.
For in-person meetings, the physical meeting location and address must be provided.
NOTE: In-person meetings must be held at an ADA accessible facility located within five miles of the development site. If the driving distance for the in-person meeting site is outside of five miles from the development site, meeting site approval from the Planning and Zoning Officer is required. Please send a request to hold the meeting outside of five miles of the development sit to: opz_fivemiles@aacounty.org. Please include the address of the site and the driving distance from the proposed development site.
- For hybrid meetings, the following must be provided: the physical meeting location and address, a link and phone numbers for joining the virtual component of the meeting, joining instructions, and a public link that requires no passwords or software installation.
- For virtual-only meetings, a link and phone numbers for joining the virtual meeting, joining instructions, and a public link that requires no passwords or software installation.
- The following PDF format files must be uploaded as part of the online form:
- A vicinity map with the site and major roads clearly shown;
- A site plan that includes existing features, proposed development, and stormwater design;
- Requested modifications, if any;
- A list of names and addresses for all first-class mailed notices that will be mailed to meet the requirement outlined in §17-2-107(d) of the County Code; and,
- A copy of the draft mailed notice.
- Community Meetings may only be held Monday through Thursday evenings and must start between the hours of 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
- Community Meetings may neither be held on County Holidays nor may they be held from December 24 through January 1. The Online Community Meeting Request Form contains a link that provides a list of County Holidays.
- Applicants/project managers shall not schedule more than one project to be reviewed in one community meeting. The practice of including multiple projects in a single community meeting is not permitted and the community meeting will be voided. Applicants may hold no more than two community meetings in the same evening. A minimum of one hour must be scheduled for the official part of each community meeting, and a 15-minute break must be scheduled between the two meetings.
- More than one project may not be scheduled on the same evening at the same time in a single Councilmanic District. Dates and times for community meetings are on a first come, first served basis. OPZ staff will alert applicants/project managers if there is a scheduling conflict. Acceptable remedies include selecting a meeting time that starts at least one hour prior to or one hour after any other community meeting that is already in the system for the same Councilmanic District. Please note: all community meetings must start between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM Monday through Thursday.
- The Office of Planning and Zoning (OPZ) will issue a unique project identifier to all projects requesting a community meeting. This unique project identifier will be necessary when submitting supplementary information via the following forms:
- Staff from OPZ will review information submitted on the Online Community Meeting Request Form and will contact the applicant by email if corrections are necessary. Any corrections affecting the mailed notice shall be incorporated into the notice prior to mailing. Meeting notices with incorrect or insufficient information will not be accepted as meeting regulatory requirements.
- Not less than 21 days prior to the community meeting, OPZ will post on the County’s Community Meeting Calendar Webpage information about the community meeting, including the following:
- The type of meeting (in-person, hybrid, virtual);
- Physical location and address for an in-person or hybrid meeting;
- A link to the meeting and other joining information if the meeting is hybrid or virtual;
- A link to supporting documentation; and
- Contact information for the applicant or applicant’s agent.
- First-class mailed notices outlined in §17-2-107 shall include the following:
- The date and time of the community meeting;
- The location and address for an in-person or hybrid meeting;,
- For virtual-only meetings, a statement specifying that any objections to the virtual meeting format must be given in writing one business day prior to the meeting date by emailing OPZCommunityMeetings@aacounty.org and that County Holidays and weekend days are excluded from business days.
- A link to the Anne Arundel County’s Community Meeting Calendar webpage where meeting information will be displayed; and
The applicant/applicant’s agent contact information (for questions and hard copy requests).
- One first-class mailed notice outlined in §17-2-107 shall be sent to each of the following:
- All lot owners within 300 feet of the property to be subdivided or developed.
- The President of any community or homeowners' association of any community that is within 300 feet of the property to be subdivided or developed (Community Associations in AACO).
- The Office of Planning and Zoning, Research & GIS Section, 2664 Riva Road, 4th Floor/MS 6401, Annapolis, MD 21401.
- The Office of Planning and Zoning, Development Division, 2664 Riva Road, 3rd Floor/MS 6305, Annapolis, MD 21401.
- The County Councilmember of the Councilmanic District in which the subdivision or development is located.
- If the property abuts other Councilmanic districts, to those County Councilmembers.
- The County Executive, Office of the County Executive, 44 Calvert Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.
- Not less than 21 days prior to the community meeting, the applicant shall submit via the Online Mailed Notice Evidence Form the following information in PDF format:
- Satisfactory evidence that first-class mailed notices outlined in §17-2-107 were mailed not less than 21 days prior to the community meeting. Satisfactory evidence will include a certificate of mailing (PS Form 3817) for each piece of first-class mail or a signed affidavit including copies of the mailing label file. In the State of Maryland an affidavit does not need to be notarized, but it needs to be signed based upon personal knowledge and under the penalty of perjury. Acceptable language that must be included within any affidavit is, "I DO SOLEMNLY AFFIRM under the penalties of perjury that the facts and matters contained within this Affidavit are true and correct based upon my personal knowledge."
- A copy of the final notice document.
- Staff from OPZ will review the information submitted in the Online Mailed Notice Evidence Form:
- If the notices do not comply with the requirements outlined in §17-2-107 of the County Code, OPZ will notify the applicant that the community meeting will need to be rescheduled.
- If the notices do comply with the requirements outlined in §17-2-107 of the County Code, then OPZ staff will post the project on the Community Meeting Calendar including:
- The date and time of the community meeting;
- The location and address for the in-person or hybrid meeting;
- For virtual-only meetings, a statement specifying that any objections to the virtual meeting format must be given in writing at least one business day prior to the meeting date by emailing OPZCommunityMeetings@aacounty.org and that County Holidays and weekend days are excluded from business days.
- Whether or not there is a virtual component and joining information for the virtual component;
- A link to supporting documentation; and
- Contact information for the applicant or applicant’s agent.
- At a minimum, information identified on the revised Community Meeting Checklist Form must be clearly addressed in each community meeting.
- Open the meeting 10-15 minutes prior to the advertised time of the community meeting.
- All community meetings must be recorded by either audio or audio-visual means.
Minimum requirements for recording the meeting include the following:
- The County will only accept a single audio or audio-visual URL link that contains the meeting recording. Applicants cannot submit a file or multiple files to meet this requirement, as the community meeting will be voided and the meeting will be required to be rescheduled.
- If the in-person community meeting is a hybrid meeting:
- The meeting location must have a strong enough internet connection to run the virtual component; and
- The applicant must use a virtual meeting platform that allows recording.
- There must be adequate hardware to record the meeting, including a microphone (wired or wireless). An inadequate audio or audio-visual recording will not be accepted - the community meeting will be voided and the meeting will be required to be rescheduled.
- If the meeting is virtual-only or hybrid, spend a couple of minutes at the beginning of the meeting laying out the ground rules and familiarizing participants with the features of the virtual meeting platform being used. This includes information on how questions will be handled, i.e., via the chat or question/answer function or by allowing participants to unmute and ask their question(s).
- The facilitators must generate a list of participants including name, affiliation (if any), mailing address, and email address - for all participants whether they attend in-person or join virtually.
- If the in-person community meeting is hybrid or virtual-only, we suggest the following best practices for hosting public virtual meetings:
- Assign and use a meeting facilitator who is not making the presentation.
- Consider using two meeting hosts in case one has internet or connectivity trouble, the other host can continue to host the meeting.
- For participants who do not have their profile name set or join by phone only, have the meeting facilitator ask for names as people join the meeting and change the profile name for the meeting.
- Consider allowing participants to ‘chat’ only with the meeting facilitator to work out technical issues while the presentation is happening and ask participants to use the ‘raise hand’ function when they want to ask a question. Alternatively, allow participants to use the chat or question/answer function to ask questions during the presentation.
- Keep everyone muted except the presenter or person asking a question to cut down on background noise.
- When the screen is initially shared, ask participants if they can see what is being projected, and if they cannot, make necessary adjustments.
- A hard copy vicinity map and conceptual or survey/engineering plans must be presented to the in-person meeting while the “share screen” option must be used to present the same information if there is a virtual component to the in-person meeting.
- If no stakeholders attend the community meeting, the meeting still needs to proceed with a presentation of the project, and an audio or video URL link to the presentation must be submitted to OPZ within one business day following the community meeting via the Online Meeting Recording Form (Only Links Accepted).
- Please Note: If technical difficulties result in the inability to record the community meeting, another community meeting must be held. The notification process for any subsequent meetings must comply with the timeline in §17-2-107 of the County Code and this process and procedure.
- Within one business day following the community meeting, the applicant must submit one URL link containing the audio or audio-visual recording of the meeting to OPZ via the Online Meeting Recording Form Form. The County will only accept a single URL link that contains an audio or audio-visual recording for the meeting. Applicants cannot submit a file or multiple files to meet this requirement. An inadequate audio or audio-visual recording will not be accepted. Failure to submit a link with adequate audio or audio-visual recording will result in the community meeting being voided and the meeting needing to be rescheduled. OPZ will post the link and project contact information on the County’s Community Calendar Meeting Webpage. From the time the link is posted to the webpage, applicants must allow a minimum of 14 calendar days for incoming comments and questions by the public.
- Not more than 28 days after the meeting recording link is published by OPZ, the applicant shall submit via the Online Post-Meeting Document Form the following information in PDF format:
- List of meeting participants and post meeting commenters including name, affiliation (if any), mailing address, and email address;
- Completed Community Meeting Checklist Form;
- Written meeting minutes;
- Written summary of comments received during and after the community meeting, as well as responses; and
- Evidence that a copy of the written summary of comments and responses was sent to each participant at the virtual community meeting, people who commented after the meeting, and to all property owners within 300 feet of the property to be developed.
- OPZ will post on the County’s Community Meeting Calendar Webpage the written meeting minutes and the summary of the comments and responses.
- For formal project submittal to the County, the applicant must furnish to OPZ the unique project identifier generated by OPZ for the pre-submittal community meeting and the date and time of the community meeting.
Required Online Forms
The following online forms must be submitted at the appropriate time in the process. Review the information above for more details.
Property Details Viewer Tool
The Community Meeting Property Details Viewer allows users to identify property details required to complete the Online Community Meeting Request Form. The Public Notification tool generates mailing labels for lot owners within 300 feet of the property to be subdivided or developed. The Near Me tool lists potential community meeting locations within five miles of the property to be subdivided or developed.