Inmate Addiction Services

The Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities (AACDDF) and the Department of Health have worked collaboratively to provide substance abuse services through the Road to Recovery Program for sentenced inmates.

The Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities (AACDDF) and the Department of Health have worked collaboratively to provide substance abuse services through the Road to Recovery Program for sentenced inmates.  Currently, a range of services are provided to include the following:  Methadone Treatment for inmates who become incarcerated while on a community methadone treatment program as well as sentenced inmates assessed eligible for the program based on criteria and protocols.  The Road to Recovery Program works closely with  Case Management and Support Services, during incarceration and upon release into the community.  The program also provides substance abuse assessments, supportive internal  programming, release planning, and referral to community resources needed to successfully transition into the community, upon release. 


Primary Objective

The primary objective of the Addiction Services is to assist inmates with acquiring continued methadone treatment, in house support and case management services necessary to lead a socially conforming and substance free lifestyle.  In order to accomplish the goal, the program offers the following:      

  • Road to Recovery Methadone Maintenance
  • Referral and Program Acceptance
  • Assessment and Release Planning
  • Family Reunification and Support Services
  • Gender-Specific Support Groups
  • Program Referrals (internal)
  • Community Case Management (Peer Support Services)
  • Access to Care Coordination and (ATR) referrals

Provides methadone maintenance treatment to inmates who become incarcerated while on a methadone treatment program in the community or meet the eligibility requirements while incarcerated.  Inmates receive daily medication, assessment and counseling and upon release are referred to the Adult Addiction or may return to their original program.

Correctional Unit Counselors screen and refer inmates for Addiction Services in the course of developing their Inmate Program Agreement (IPA) during the intake process.  The Department of Health Addictions Counselor reviews and determines which services will be appropriate for the Inmate.

The addictions counselor meets individually with each participant to complete an assessment and develop initial recommendations for an addictions release plan.  The plan identifies the level of care needed to address the substance abuse problem and specifies resources to meet other areas of need (mental health, housing, education, family issues, job skill development, etc.).  A copy of the release plan is provided to the Division of Parole and Probation to support fulfillment of the plan post-release.  Involvement of family members in the release planning process is encouraged, through family contact sessions and/or participation in the Strengthening Families Program.

Inmates who reside in Anne Arundel County after release and who require substance abuse treatment as a condition of probation are eligible for post-release case management services.  The goal is to provide assistance to the inmate to access treatment as part of their release plan.  A Department of Health, Substance Abuse counselor follows the offender up to 30-60 days after release to support compliance with treatment and related conditions of probation.

In recognition of the inter-relatedness of substance abuse and dysfunctional family relationships, Addiction Services offers Case Management support services to improve family relationships by providing education to the family members who will assist in creating a stronger recovery support system of the inmates upon their release.

Both Male and Female support groups are facilitated by the Addictions Counselor on a weekly basis, in 90 minute groups that address behavioral changes and motivation to live a positive lifestyle upon re-entry.  The group also introduces inmates to community resources and teaches them how to access support.  Community providers are often invited to present resource information regarding their services.

Internal Program Referrals can be made at a point during an inmate’s incarceration, by the Case Manager or the Addictions Counselor for programs offered at the Ordnance Road Detention Center.  The programs include but are not limited to Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Mental Health and Recovery through the Psych Development Group (PDG), Educational services provided by the Anne Arundel Community College, Job Training and Employment Services provided through the Anne Arundel Workforce Development Office and various workshops and services provided by volunteers and independent contractors.

A peer support resource specialist meets with and assists inmates who are patients of the Road to Recovery Program at the Ordnance Road Detention Center.  The resource specialist main objective is to access and obtain resources supporting positive re-entry services for inmates and their families upon release into the community.  Services included are such activities as going to court with the individual, attending AA and NA meetings, finding sources of transportation, housing and employment.  One of the main goals of the service is to support a seamless transition from Road to Recovery to the Adult Addiction Treatment Program and to reduce the barriers to success in their journey to recovery.

State Care Coordination is a person-centered approach to recovery and an organization assisting eligible individuals with resource services in their community.  The goal is to establish a health plan supportive of recovery by removing barriers to care.  A Care Coordinator meets with the inmates from the Road to Recovery Program for assessment, assists in retrieving required documents (i.e., birth certificates, social security and identification cards) needed upon release for Medical Assistance and Primary Adult Care (MA/PAC) or other resources within the community.  The Coordinator, provides assistance by issuing vouchers to pay for the retrieval of documents, when necessary, follows the individual for a minimum of 6 months and meets face-to-face with the inmate both while incarcerated or when released.

At JRDC, the Department of Health offers ADEPT, a substance abuse awareness and education program which meets twice a week for three weeks on a closed enrollment basis.  Participation is voluntary.

ORCC offers substance abuse programming for qualifying inmates, including a 32-hour substance abuse education workshop and referral to appropriate treatment upon completion of sentence. Referral of JRDC inmates to this program may be part of sentenced inmates’ IPAs, providing they qualify for progression to ORCC. In cooperation with the Health Department, JRDC offers open-enrollment substance abuse education and counseling for inmates who abuse drugs or alcohol.

Health Department: Barbara Hatch, Program Supervisor