Today, through our partnership with organizations like the Anne Arundel Community College, Anne Arundel Workforce Development, the Maryland Department of Labor and other organizations, we are able to connect participants to vocational training programs that include:
- Automotive repair
- Commercial Driver’s License
- Culinary Arts & Hospitality
In each vocational track, upon successful completion, participants receive industry recognized credentials to assist with placement into a career.
If you are interested in our Re-Entry & Community Collaboration program, please fill out the interest form below.
Re-Entry & Community Collaboration Form
To ensure our community policing efforts build the needed trust to assist those transitioning from prison to home, so they feel the police are a part of the process of them being re-acclimated back into their communities.
Community policing is a strategy that involves the formation of community partnerships between law enforcement and other government agencies, non-profits, private businesses, schools, and media, as well as direct engagement with local residents through door-knocking and other day-to-day communication.
In addition, it involves ensuring asset mapping of resources within each area is made known and available among all community partners and members. Community policing should not be a one way street, but in fact a two way dialogue with the community.
Strong relationships between police and community partners are crucial. They allow both sides to work together, building a greater presence in their neighborhoods in order to reduce crime. Residents are more likely to trust police officers, making it easier to contact law enforcement with crucial public safety information.
The Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities Re-Entry & Community Collaboration is host to an inter-agency collaboration between the Health Department, the Department of Detention Facilities, the Department of Social Services, the Department of Family Services and other community based partners to provide holistic assistance to any Anne Arundel County resident that was formerly incarcerated and those at risk of being justice-involved. Our services also assist veterans and their families with any resources or opportunities attaining stability in the community. The Community Collaboration Unit is accessible 24/7 for residents to receive services that support a positive community reintegration and that promote productive community life that reduces recidivism rates and improves healthy outcomes.
The Office of Re-Entry & Community Collaboration assist with the following services:
- Re-Entry Support and Interventions
- Anger Management
- Food Assistance
- Health & Wellness
- Workforce Development Services
- Services for Emerging Adults
- GED Preparation and Testing
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment
- Mental Health Counseling and Treatment
- Mentoring
- Veterans Services
- Transportation Assistance
- Legal Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Life Skills
- Family and Individual Counseling
- Obtaining Identification Documents and more….
If you are interested in our Re-Entry & Community Collaboration program, please fill out the interest form below.
The Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities Re-Entry Community and Collaboration Team will handle the daily transportation to the training site from one central location best suited to accommodate the class in session, our staff will also work closely to ensure participants have assistance in navigating the process of getting the necessary documents; drivers licenses, social security cards, VA benefits etc. that they need to be successful.
Frequently Asked Questions
Re-Entry is the process of ending a period of incarceration, leaving jail or prison, and returning to society. ... The re-entry process is individualized and highly dependent on a number of factors including a re-entering individual's sentence structure, incarceration experience, and post release resources. We work with each person on an individual basis and use the full spectrum of Anne Arundel County Government Resources to assist each person based on their individual needs. By calling or emailing us begins the process.
Re-entry improves public safety. Approximately two million adults are incarcerated in state prisons and local jails. Nationally, two out of every three people released from state prisons are re-arrested for a new offense and about half are incarcerated within three years. Reducing recidivism is critical for increasing long-term public safety and lowering corrections costs. Here in Anne Arundel County we believe that through solid relationships with the Police Department we can achieve a partnership whereby all citizens are returning from incarceration feel that can achieve whatever positive goals they set.
Individuals who have been incarcerated can expect their future earnings to be reduced by about 40 percent after they return to their communities. Re-entry efforts seek to reduce barriers to employment so that people with past criminal involvement – after they have been held accountable and paid their dues – can compete for work opportunities. Individuals working with our Re-Entry Community and Collaboration Unit will be have people working hard to get the training and job placement they require to be successful.
There is often a lack of continuity in care from inside the prison to the community. Re-Entry efforts can help ensure that the Affordable Care Act and other reforms will significantly increase access to appropriate physical and behavioral health interventions after release from incarceration. Substance abuse can be a significant impediment to successful reentry and a major health concern. Addressing the root causes of substance abuse leads to improved public safety. Through the use of our Mental Health and other partners we work hard to assess and guide each client to the assistance they require.
Education is a core resource for release preparation, and is an evidence-based tool for reducing recidivism. Participation in education programming was associated with a 16 percent reduction in recidivism in one study. Education is also a critical building block for increasing employment opportunities. Having said that, our partnership with the Anne Arundel Community College allows several avenues to achieve success in education.
Stable housing with appropriate supportive services is a key factor in preventing homelessness and reducing recidivism. The goal is to reduce barriers to public and subsidized housing, and advance promising models that improve outcomes for people who repeatedly use corrections and homeless services. Working with various housing authority and private partnerships we work to achieve placement for our clients on a case by case basis.
We are not concerned about your time served or how long ago you were incarcerated. We do conduct a risk and needs assessment to determine needs on an individual basis.
What we do here at the Anne Arundel County Police Department is provide various services designed to prepare individuals for success and strengthen relationships in the community. While some programs have a completion date, we provide continuous support and services for our clients for as long as needed. This model establishes long term relationships and strong partnerships which are the foundation for safe, healthy and thriving communities.