Payment Options
Accepting cash, check or credit card for daily admissions and program registrations at the facilities. Online payment with credit card is available for aquatic programs.
Youth Swim Lessons
The Arundel Olympic Swim Center and North Arundel Aquatic Center offers swimming lessons for pre-school, youth and teens. Our instructors provide a safe and fun environment for children to develop their swimming skills. View the current program guide for detailed information.
View the program guide or the online registration system for program descriptions, times and fees.
Lesson Registration
We have swimming lessons for all abilities, ages 3 and up. Swimming lessons are offered year-round. Total group instructional time per session is four hours. Children often require more than one session to master the skills needed to proceed to the next level. Swim class descriptions and session dates are listed in our program guide or on the online registration website.
Lesson Registration INFORMATION
- We do not reserve spaces; payment is due at the time of registration.
- Please register for the level suggested by the instructor.
- Register early, classes fill up quickly. Classes that have not yet met minimum enrollment by the Friday before the start date may be cancelled.
- Classes cancelled by the facility will receive a full refund. Please see refund policy below.
- If the class is full, please sign up on the waiting list. The facility will contact you if space becomes available.
- Make up classes are not available if the child misses a class or if they sign up late. However cancelled classes will be made up at the end of the session.
Refund Policy
All refund requests must be submitted in writing with the exception of cancelled programs. Full refunds are given only if a program is cancelled or there are extenuating circumstances prior to the start date of the program. Cancelled program refunds will be automatically processed for 100% refund. Written requests received prior to the start date, will forfeit 20% of the fee for the program or no more than $25 for each registration as an administrative fee. Any request received after the start date will be considered on a case by case basis and prorated. Refund requests for medical reasons shall be accompanied by a physician’s note. Request for refunds must be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the program.