What is a Zoning Violation?
It is a zoning violation for an owner, occupant, person in charge, or any other person to use or to permit another person to use property in violation of Article 18 of the County Code, or to perform work for another person in violation of this article. Each day that a violation continues is a separate zoning violation.
How to Report a Suspected Violation?
Enforcement of the ordinance is complaint-driven and we rely on citizens to bring issues to our attention. A written complaint is required to initiate an investigation and can be submitted through the Land Use Navigator (LUN) system. Suspected code violations that are reported will result in an investigation and potential fines for the offenders.
After a complaint is assigned, a Zoning Enforcement Inspector visits the site to determine if a violation exists. If violations are found, the property owner is given written notification by mail of the violation and specific action that must be taken to correct the violation within a specific time frame. If the owner fails to correct the violation, legal action may be taken by Zoning Enforcement.
- Noise disturbances from animals or animal care complaints: Contact Animal Care & Control
- Noise disturbances from loud music: Contact the AACO Police
- Tall grass and weeded lots: Contact the Department of Public Works
- Vehicle parking infractions on a public road, including unregistered vehicles or oversized commercial vehicles (exceeding 10,000lbs GVWR): Contact the AACO Police
- Garbage or trash accumulation: Contact the Department of Health
- Rodent infestations. Contact the Department of Health
- Unsafe structures or structures open to casual entry: Contact the Department of Inspections & Permits
- Grading or clearing concerns: Contact the Department of Inspections & Permits
- Unauthorized construction: Contact the Department of Inspections & Permits
Common Zoning Violations

Parking and storage of inoperable, wrecked, partially dismantled or destroyed vehicle or any vehicle that does not display current registration plate and validation sticker. “Vehicle” means a motor vehicle, trailer, or boat.

Land may not be used partially or principally as a junkyard or for the disposal of junk including old, scrap, dismantled, inoperable, or dilapidated motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts, machinery, household furniture and appliances, construction equipment and materials, tanks and drums, tires, pipes, wood, paper, metals, rags, and glass.

A vehicle with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds may not be parked on a residentially zoned or developed lot except for the purpose of providing temporary service.

Shipping or cargo containers, trailers, truck compartments, and similar portable storage containers are prohibited in residential districts for a period of more than 60 days unless used in connection with construction authorized by an active building permit issued by the Department of Inspections and Permits.

Uses must comply with the use charts specified in Article 18-4-106 of the County Code. Specific types of businesses are allowed in each zoning district. A use not specifically allowed is prohibited.

The County Code requires that all uses, except single family dwellings and accessory dwelling units, obtain ZCU. It is unlawful to operate a business or establish a use without first obtaining a ZCU.

Roosters and livestock are prohibited on lots less than 40,000 square feet in area. The quantity and type of animals kept on private property must comply with Article 18-4-104 of the County Code.

The quantity, size, height, location, and permitted timeframes for posting signs must comply with Article 18 Title 3 subtitle 3 of the County Code.

A specific number of dwelling units and types of dwellings are allowed in each residential zoning district.