P.O.R.T. eProcurement System
Anne Arundel County’s web-based eProcurement system allows vendors to do business with the County.
The Purchasing Division of Central Services is responsible for purchasing supplies, materials and equipment for all County Government department and agency operations. It is also responsible for procuring all contracts for construction and consultant services.
“How Can We Help?"
How can I be notified of solicitations?
Anne Arundel County has moved to a secure, web-based eProcurement system called P.O.R.T. Vendors can register by using the below link:
Register to Receive Notifications
Registering allows vendors to receive electronic notifications of current opportunities with the County.
Are county contracts listed on the website?
Not at this time.
How can I start doing business with the County?
Starting on August 1, 2022, the County requires vendors to register in P.O.R.T.. Potential Vendors can monitor Anne Arundel County’s Purchasing’s website for upcoming opportunities. Please find information at this link:
Do Business with Anne Arundel County
Vendors may contact any of the buyers listed on the purchasing website for additional information at Purchasing Contacts.
Where do I submit my bid?
The County is now only accepting electronic submissions for Bids and Proposals. Vendors can register at Submit your Bid Response
How can I obtain bid results?
Bid results may be obtained by going to the County’s website at Bid Results: See Bid Results
Do I need to preregister to do business with the County? If so, how do I register?
The County utilizes an e-procurement system known as P.O.R.T. Vendors can register through P.O.R.T. to receive automatic email notifications for solicitations of goods and services that may be applicable to them.
What are the County’s bid thresholds?
Up to and including $5,000 (single quote), $5,000.01 – $100,000 (three quotes), over $100,000 (formal solicitation).
Are all bids opened publicly? If so, where can I attend?
The County Procurement Office holds virtual bid openings for Vendors to view bid submissions that are opened and read into the record. Meetings will normally occur Tuesdays at 1:30 pm. Please check the specific solicitation for details. Click here for instructions on how to attend virtual bid openings:
When will I be paid for my products/services?
The County’s standard payment terms are NET 30 and are typically paid via electronic (ACH) payment or by pCard (credit card). To receive payment via ACH, vendors should register with Paymode-X in order to receive timely payments at www.paymode.com/annearundelcounty. The County also allows for credit card payments for most of our agreements. Please contact the Buyer listed in the solicitation for additional information on how to set up credit card payments.
The County recognizes the importance of expediting supplier payments. In order to expedite supplier payments, the County utilizes Paymode-X service through Bank of America Merrill Lynch replacing paper checks when possible. The County strongly encourages vendors and suppliers to enroll in Paymode-X so that future payments are made electronically.
Enrollment in Paymode-X is simple and takes less than ten minutes. Use the link below to enroll online today. Enroll in Paymode-X.
Can I download a solicitation?
Solicitations may be downloaded from the County by using the link: Download Solicitations
What is SDAT registration?
All corporations doing business in the State of Maryland must register with the State of Maryland Department of Assessment & Taxation. The County will require verification of your registration prior to execution of any agreement or contract. MD SDAT Registration Website
Who do I contact for assistance?
Refer to the Purchasing page on the County's website at Purchasing Office Staff Contact Purchasing to select the appropriate buyer related to the category of the product or services you provide.
How can I obtain an addenda?
Addenda can be obtained by going to the County’s website at Current Solicitations.
To obtain all associated documentations, click the specific solicitation number and all associated documents, including addendums, will be posted.
Important Note: All bids and proposals must contain signed copies of all addenda in their response. Failure to include signed addenda may be cause for disqualification of a bid or proposal.
How long does it take to award a contract resulting from an IFB or RFP?
The time it takes to award an IFB and RFP depends on the complexity of the solicitation. The average IFB is awarded in approximately three months, and an RFP is usually awarded within eight months.
Where does the County auction off its surplus equipment and non-capital assets?
The County currently uses PublicSurplus.com as its primary auction site. The County occasionally uses Propertyroom.com.
How do I sign up to be added to the Capital Improvement construction bidders’ list?
The County has moved to a secure, web-based eProcurement system called P.O.R.T.. Please register to create your vendor profile or to view bid opportunities and contracts and receive notifications of bid opportunities. Do Business with Anne Arundel County
How can I find the status of my Prequalification of Architects and Engineers 254 form?
Contact the A&E Buyer, Kim Lee, or the A&E staff at (410) 222-7620.
How can I find out about current bid opportunities in the County?
The County encourages potential vendors to register in P.O.R.T. or monitor Purchasing’s website for upcoming opportunities. Please find information at this link:
Vendors may contact any of the buyers listed on the purchasing website for additional information at Purchasing Contacts.
How can I obtain bid results?
Bid results may be obtained by going to the County’s website at Bid Results: See Bid Results
How do I register as a bidder with the County?
The County encourages potential vendors to register in P.O.R.T. or monitor Purchasing’s website for upcoming opportunities. Please find information at this link:
Do I have to read the entire solicitation packet?
Yes, by reading the solicitation document in its entirety, vendors will ensure their bid submission is in compliance with the solicitation requirements. Otherwise, vendors run the risk of their solicitation submission being rejected because it is not responsive and responsible. Awarded vendors are required to comply with all terms and conditions contained in the solicitation.
Do not hesitate to contact the Buyer noted on the solicitation cover if you have any questions regarding the solicitation.