What services are available?
- Apply for all permit types online
- Renew and apply for licenses
- Submit plans & documents
- Schedule inspections
- Check on statuses
- Pay all fees online
Users do not have to register for an account to search permitting and licensing information. Simply click on the "Permits" or "Licensing" tab to search for records.
Getting Started
Plan your work
Check the Permits page to determine if you need a permit and what forms/plans may be required for the application process.
Learn about the Inspections that may be required.
If applying or renewing a license, review the Licenses section of the website to learn more.
Review the System Help
Access the System Help section to use as a reference and to familiarize yourself with the Land Use Navigator.
Check the list of supported browsers to ensure your software will work with the system.
Access the LUN System
Launch the Land Use Navigator to create an account and begin accessing services online.
If you have questions, review the System Help site.
Need Assistance?
If you have questions about the Land Use Navigator, please contact the Permit Center staff at (410) 222-7730.