Elizabeth Funsch

Director of ArundelStat 

Elizabeth Funsch
Director of ArundelStat


Elizabeth Funsch is the Director of ArundelStat, the performance and analytics team for the county. Elizabeth most recently worked as a senior analyst for the CountyStat team in Prince George’s County where she oversaw the process for monitoring and shaping the government to be more efficient and productive. Elizabeth has over a decade of experience in evaluating programs at the State of Maryland Department of Mental Health and Hygiene and the Pima Prevention Partnership in Arizona. She also understands the challenges and rewards of working on the front line as a public benefit coordinator in the Washington DC region as well as serving as a health volunteer in rural Ecuador in the US Peace Corps. Elizabeth holds a Master of Public Health and Master of Arts from the University of Arizona. dor in the US Peace Corps. Elizabeth holds a Master of Public Health and Master of Arts from the University of Arizona.

Contact Elizabeth Funsch


44 Calvert Street Annapolis, MD 21401