OMA Data

Anne Arundel County is home to residents from all over the world, who’ve made the United States home at different periods of time. The below data is from the Census Bureau.

OMA Immigrants in AACO Map

Immigrants in Anne Arundel County

ACS 2018-2022 Foreign Born Population by Census Tract

9.16% of Anne Arundel County’s population are immigrants, and 72.8% participate in the labor force.

The higher percentage of immigrants reside in Councilmanic Districts 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.

Period of Entry Into the United States

Anne Arundel County has been shaped by migration that has driven fundamental transformation over time.

ContinentEntered 2010 or LaterEntered 2000 to 2009Entered Before 2000
Latin America34.3%46.0%29.5%

Place of Birth for Immigrants in Anne Arundel County

Approximately 37.3% of the county’s immigrants come from Latin America, 34.4% are from Asia, 14.9% are from Africa and 12.0% hail from Europe. The top five countries of origin are: El Salvador, Philippines, Nigeria, Mexico and South Korea. 

Foreign Born Population Chart
Latinos in Anne Arundel County Map

Latinos in Anne Arundel County

The County’s Latino population constitutes 62,900 individuals, accounting for 9.8% of the total population of Anne Arundel County. Within this demographic, the top countries are Puerto Rico, Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Similar to trends in the D.C region, Anne Arundel County is home to a large Central American population. Primarily from the Central America, which includes El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Hispanic or Latino Origin Chart

Hispanic or Latino Orgin Chart
Asian and Pacific Islanders in Anne Arundel County Map

Asian and Pacific Islanders in Anne Arundel County

The Asian population constitutes 27,500 residents, accounting for 4.4% of the total population. Within this demographic the largest subgroup is Filipino, with an estimate of 5,997, followed by Asian Indian 4,317, Chinese 3,432, Korean 2,952, Pakistani 1,730 and Vietnamese 1,416.

Asian Population Origin Chart

Asian Origin Chart