Federal Employee Assistance

Thousands of Anne Arundel County residents and their families may be impacted as a consequence of federal government layoffs and other proposed changes to the federal workforce. Anne Arundel County has compiled a list of resources to assist you during this time. 

Workshop Series for Federal Employees

Join AAWDC for a five-part workshop series to help federal employees confidently navigate their next career move. The workshops will cover managing stress during change, identifying career goals, crafting a successful resume, developing an action plan, and mastering self-marketing strategies.

County Executive Steuart Pittman

A message from County Executive Pittman

Anne Arundel County is home to thousands of dedicated federal employees and federal contractors. During this time of uncertainty, we are committed to making sure that those who have served our nation have the support that they and their families need to thrive. We will continue to work with our state and federal partners to coordinate resources and information as the situation in the federal government evolves.

State of Maryland Resources for Federal Workers

Anne Arundel County Government Jobs

Phone: 410-222-7600

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/personnel/employment-information/job-announcements

  • The Office of Personnel is dedicated to ensuring federal employees can easily apply for open Anne Arundel County Government positions and is focused on expediting the employment application process for federal workers.
  • Workers who have lost their job or are concerned about losing their job due to the federal government's targeting of specific program areas should be assured that Anne Arundel County stands firm in its commitment to make our county the best place for all.  Anne Arundel County continues to ensure compliance with anti-discrimination laws and integrate equity, access, and inclusivity into county operations.

Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation

Phone: 410-424-3240

Website: https://www.aawdc.org

The Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) offers a wide range of services designed to meet your unique career needs and prepare you for success.

Maryland Department of Labor

Phone: 410-222-7600

Website: https://labor.maryland.gov/

Anne Arundel County Public Libraries

Website: https://www.aacpl.net

Former federal employees can take advantage of many free and valuable educational services available at the library, including:

  • Resume help and interview coaching with JobNow.
  • High-quality skills training through LinkedIn Learning and Udemy courses.
  • Learning a language through Rosetta Stone and Mango Languages.
  • Chromebooks and Wi-Fi hotspots for checkout.

Get a library card and save money by canceling your Audible, Netflix, Ancestry.com, and Rosetta Stone subscriptions. The library has it all for free and the average user in Anne Arundel County saves $1,600 annually. 

Maryland Department of Labor: Division of Unemployment Insurance

Phone: 667-207-6520 (available 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday)

Website: https://labor.maryland.gov/employment/unemployment.shtml

  • Unemployment Insurance FAQs for Federal Employees: Federal civilian employees who became unemployed due to no fault of their own can apply for Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE).
  • Regular Unemployment Insurance Overview: Other workers impacted by federal actions—such as employees who worked for a private sector employer that contracted with the federal government and are now unemployed due to no fault of their own—may be eligible to apply for regular unemployment insurance. 

Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation

Phone: 410-222-7410
Website: www.aaedc.org

The Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation (AAEDC) supports individuals who want to start their own business, or are just thinking about starting their own business, in the county. AAEDC provides a wide array of valuable resources including confidential, no-cost business consulting and mentorship, regulatory and real estate guidance, economic research, and low-interest loans with flexible payment terms.


Department of Health 

Phone: 410-222-7095 

Website: https://www.aahealth.org/

The Department of Health information line has a directory of services including medical assistance eligibility and enrollment services. An individual facing a change to employment that impacts their insurance status can be linked to resources to navigate their situation.

Mental Health Agency

Phone: 410-768-5522 

Website: https://www.aamentalhealth.org/

The Mental Health Agency’s “Community Warmline” is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to provide support. Call 410-768-5522 to speak with a counselor to be connected to the resources you need. 

Network of Care

Website: https://www.networkofcare.org

The Network of Care utilizes the Internet for social good by providing fast and easy access to comprehensive community services, information, support, and assistance on a localized level to millions of people nationwide.

Health Insurance - Maryland Health Connection

Phone: https://www.marylandhealthconnection.gov/

Website: 1-855-642-8572

If you have lost your other health coverage, such as job-based coverage, or any of these other life events, you have 60 days to enroll or change plans. If you’re eligible for Medicaid or the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), you can enroll any time of year. Marylanders are eligible for a special enrollment period when they file their taxes and check a box on their state tax form. This special enrollment runs through tax season.

Arundel Community Development Services, Inc.

Phone: 410-222-7600

Website: https://acdsinc.org/

Housing Resource Portal

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/housing-resource-portal 

Anne Arundel County government, local partners, and private community-based organizations offer a broad range of housing-related resources to county residents. This portal allows residents to search for programs and resources that serve their needs, including financial assistance, temporary and permanent housing, and emergency assistance for persons who are homeless or at immediate risk of homelessness.

Public Works & Finance

Phone: 410-222-1144

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/finance/bills-payments/bill-payment-assistance

Customers with water/sewer bills over $200 may enter into a payment plan with the Office of Finance. With a payment plan in place, the customer's water service will not be shut-off. The 10% late payment penalty fee for water/sewer bills may be waived two times a year. Customers may call the Office of Finance Customer Service if they are past due on any of their County water/sewer or tax bills and ask for guidance.

Anne Arundel County Food Bank

Phone: 410-923-4255

Website: https://aafoodbank.org/find-food

The Food Bank’s food pantry map and resource list can help you find free food and basic necessities in Anne Arundel County.

Partnership for Children, Youth, Families

Phone: 1-800-485-0041 

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/partnership-for-children-youth-and-families/systems-care

The Systems of Care is a warm line answered in English and Spanish by specialists who help connect children, youth, and their families to community resources. Their hours of operation are 9 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

Department of Aging & Disabilities

Information and Assistance Program

Phone: 410-222-4257

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/aging-and-disabilities/information-and-assistance

The Information and Assistance Program serves as the Maryland Access Point (MAP) for Anne Arundel County. This single entry point system can help older residents and their families seeking long-term support services connect to community resources.

Veterans Services Coordination Center

Phone: 410-222-3500               

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/aging-and-disabilities/veterans-services

The Veterans Services Coordination Center is a single access point for local, state, and federal government services and resources available to veterans and their families.

Animal Care & Control

Address: 411 Maxwell Frye Rd. Millersville MD 21108

Phone: 410-222-8900 

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/pets

When foods donated to the Anne Arundel County Animal Care & Control Shelter are not used, they are redistributed to pet owners who have fallen on hard times or to local rescue partners.

Office of Transportation

Phone: 410-222-7740

Website: https://www.aacounty.org/transportation/transit

The Office of Transportation operates a variety of fixed route and on-demand transit services throughout the county. All transit routes are free.