General Billing Online Payment Instructions

The county's online payment system has a General Billing screen.  Click the button below to access the page. 

Online Payment System


To locate the bill that you want to pay, you must first search for a customer record.  

Enter any of the following criteria into the search form on the "Customer Search" screen and click "Search"

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Number
  • Address Information
Customer Search screen in the online payment system general billing module


Select a Customer Record 

If more than one customer result is found, you will be presented with a list to select from.  Click on the "Manage Bills" link in the far right column to view the bills for the selected account. 

Manage Bills Link


Review Bills

A list of bills will be displayed (up to 20) with the following columns: 

  • Bill - The unique bill identifier
  • Type - A description of the bill type
  • Pay By - The due date of the bill
  • Total Unpaid - The amount that is still owed.  If this amount is zero, the bill does not need to be paid. 
  • Balance Due - The amount that owed by the "Pay By" date.  
A list of bills for the given customer account in the online billing system


Select Bills

Select the bill(s) using the checkboxes to the left of the "Bill" field that you want to pay and click the "Pay" button at the bottom of the screen.  

An image showing the total of the bills select and the pay button on the screen


You will be sent to the county's third party payment processor (Paymentus) to complete your online payment.  Initially, you will be presented with a screen indicating the account you are making a payment on.  Click the "Continue" button. 

A screenshot of the Paymentus system requesting that you click the "continue" button to proceed with payment


Payment Information Form

Enter your payment information in the resulting form. 

Screenshot showing the payment information fields that can be entered into paymentus


Select the payment method from the available options and click the "Continue" button. 

Payment screen with options for picking credit card, echeck, and other methods of payment

A screen will be displayed containing the payment method, date, the amount and any fee information.  You can optionally check a box to save the payment method for future payments. 

You must check the "I authorize and agree to the Payment Authorization Terms" before proceeding with your online payment. 

Click the "Pay" button containing the authorized payment amount to submit your payment.  

Screenshot from Paymentus showing the payment confirmation options

After clicking the pay button you will see a "Submitting Payment" message 

Screen showing a payment is being submitted


Payment Receipt

After the successful processing of your payment, a Payment Receipt screen will be displayed.  This can be printed for your records. 

Screen showing that the payment was processed succesfully


Confirmation Email

A confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered when submitting your payment. 

Example email confirmation containing payment information