Compliance Review System

Compliance Records System

The Compliance Records System is currently down.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Please Note: Zoning code compliance cases have been moved to the Land Use Navigator (LUN).

To search for records in LUN: 

  • Launch the Land Use Navigator system
  • Click on the "Complaints/Violations" tab and "Search Applications"
  • Use the "Record Type" drop down box to select the appropriate record type and/or enter your search criteria in the various input boxes provided. 

If you have questions about using LUN to search for Zoning code compliance cases, contact Zoning Enforcement at (410) 222-7446.


Building, Grading and Sediment Control Case Search

In the Case ID field, the letter B indicates Building cases, and the letter E is for Environmental (Grading and Sediment Control) cases.     

Search for a case by Case ID, Tax ID, or address:

Please search by either Address, Tax ID, or Case ID (not a combination)

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Case Information:

Case Id Tax ID Location Received Completed

Report Building, Grading and Sediment Control Violations

Report Zoning Violations

To obtain additional information about a case, call (410) 222-7780

Please note that email addresses are subject to disclosure under the Maryland Public Information Act, if a request is made.