Permit Fees

Homeowners may apply for permits for ordinary repairs or construction on their owner-occupied dwelling. Separate trade permits are required for mechanical, plumbing, and electrical work and must be performed by tradesmen licensed in Anne Arundel County. Please click on the Permit Type for information about related fees.

To determine the cost of a proposed project, complete an application in LUN.

A non-refundable application fee of $43.00 will be added to all building permits.

The fee for a building permit shall be based on the estimated value of work in accordance with the schedule below. In computing the estimated value, include the fair market value of all construction or work for which the permit is issued, including all painting, papering, roofing, electrical work, plumbing, permanent or fixed heating equipment, elevator equipment, fire sprinkler equipment and any other permanent portions or permanent equipment essential to the operation of the building as a building. Exclude equipment required for the manufacturing or other special occupant, land value and development cost.

The minimum acceptable valuation for new buildings shall be based upon the BOCA Building Evaluation Data Report as provided by the Department and revised from time to time.   


Estimated Value
Above $25,000$242.00 plus .010 times estimated cost above $25,000.00
Churches and other nonprofit agencies
Churches, parsonages, eleemosynary, and community association facilities, along with fire stations on properties owned by a volunteer fire company formed pursuant to § 12-1-201 of this Code; shall be charged the minimum fee under sections 108.2.1, 108.2.3, 108.2.4, 108.2.5, and 108.2.6. 
Permit Type
Minimum Building Permit Fee $86.00
Effective October 1, 2024
Additional Information: 
  • A permit under which no work is commenced within one (1) year after issuance shall expire
  • Plumbing, electrical, mechanical and gas permits secured for the purpose of providing services for the building permitted shall run for the life of the building permit
  • Refunds: There is no refund for issued permits. There is a 50% refund due if the permit application is withdrawn prior to issuance. The permit application fee is non-refundable.
  • Reinspection: There will be a fee of $150.00 for reinspection for each scheduled inspection that is not canceled at least 24 hours prior OR is not accessible to the inspector.
  • Home Builder Guaranty Fund - Effective January 1, 2009, home builders must pay a $50 fee for each new home building permit. This fund is administered by the State Division of Consumer Protection. A citizen building a new home on their land for their own use who submits a Landowner Affidavit is not required to pay this fee. For more information on the Home Builders Guaranty Fund, call the State Home Builder Registration Unit at (410) 576-6573, email

A non-refundable application fee of $43.00 will be added to all electrical permits.

New Construction dwelling unit
Single family detached, single family attached including 2-family unit
200 amps or less$147.00
300 amps or less $207.00
400 amps or less$259.00
Over 400 amps$259.00
Plus $40 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 ampsPlus $69.00 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 amps
Apartments and 5 family dwellings 
200 amps or less$117.00
300 amps or less$166.00
400 amps or less$207.00
Over 400 amps$207.00
Plus $32 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 ampsPlus $55.00 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 amps
New commercial shell building/white box
200 amps or less$216.00
300 amps or less$276.00
400 amps or less$328.00
Over 400 amps$328.00
Plus $60 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 ampsPlus $103.00 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 amps
Residential additions, alterations, remodeling (does not include service change or subpanel)
Any number of electrical devices$95.00
Residential additions, alterations, remodeling including service change or subpanel
Any number of electrical devices up to 200 amps$147.00
Any number of electrical devices up to 300 amps$207.00
Any number of electrical devices up to 400 amps$259.00
Any number of electrical devices over to 400 amps$259.00
Plus $40 for each 100 amps or fraction over 100 ampsPlus $69.00 for each 100 amps or fraction over 100 amps
Residential swimming pool $69.00
Commercial addition, alteration, tenant fit-up, finishing with service change
200 amps or less$216.00
300 amps or less$276.00
400 amps or less$328.00
Over 400 amps or less$328.00
Plus $60 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100  ampsPlus $103.00 per additional 100 amps or fraction of 100 amps
Commercial addition, alteration, tenant fit-up, finishing with no service change
1 to 10 electrical devices$34.00
11 to 40 electrical devices$69.00
41 to 75 electrical devices$103.00
Over 75 electrical devices$103.00
Plus $10 per additional 25 devices or fraction of 25 devicesPlus $17.00 per additional 25 devices or fraction of 25 devices
Other Work
Electrical appliance or motor, repair or replacement: 
1 electrical appliance or motor$25.00
More than 1 electrical appliance or motor$43.00
Fire alarm systems 
New fire alarm system$346.00 Flat Rate
Fire alarm system and other low voltage devices (any number)$69.00 Flat Rate
Radio and television receiving installation$69.00
Signs$69.00 Each Sign
Swimming pool, residential$69.00
Temporary service or pole service$69.00
Service Entrance Cable Repair/Replacement$69.00

Effective October 1, 2024

Churches and other nonprofit agencies
Churches, parsonages, eleemosynary, and community association facilities, along with fire stations on properties owned by a volunteer fire company formed pursuant to § 12-1-201 of this Code; shall be charged the minimum fee under sections 108.2.1, 108.2.3, 108.2.4, 108.2.5, and 108.2.6.


A non-refundable application fee of $43.00 will be added to all gas permits.

Gas permit fees for gas fuel-burning equipment shall be charged according to pipe size as follows:

2 1/2" diameter or less$69.00
3" diameter$77.00
4" diameter$112.00
6" diameter$173.00
8" diameter$346.00
10" diameter$519.00
12" diameter$735.00
Churches and Other Nonprofit Agencies
Churches, parsonages, eleemosynary, and community association facilities, along with fire stations on properties owned by a volunteer fire company formed pursuant to § 12-1-201 of this Code; shall be charged the minimum fee under sections 108.2.1, 108.2.3, 108.2.4, 108.2.5, and 108.2.6.
Permit Type
Minimum Gas Permit Fee $69.00

Effective October 1, 2024


A non-refundable application fee of $43.00 will be added to all grading permits.

Estimated Grading and Erosion Control Costs
Single Family Dwelling on lot 20,000 sq. ft. or less$692.00
Single Family Dwelling on lot over 20,000 sq. ft.$1,124.00
Forest harvest operation$173.00
Grading permit other than a SFD, church, nonprofit agency, or standard logging plan is based on approved cost estimates, as follows:
0 to $500.00$69.00
$501.00 to and including $1,250.00$138.00
Over $1,250.00$138.00 plus 7% of the cost estimate above $1,250.00
Churches and Other Nonprofit Agencies
Permit Type
Churches, parsonages, and incorporated nonprofit eleemosynary and community associations$112.00

Effective October 1, 2024


A non-refundable application fee of $43.00 will be added to all mechanical permits.

Residential Uses - Includes 1 and 2 family and multi-family Dwellings
Heating and Air Conditioning$121.00
Heating System$95.00
Air Conditioning$95.00
Ductwork Only$95.00
Replacement System$51.00
Fixed Suppression System$51.00
Non-residential Installations - The permit fee for the installation, repair or replacement of all mechanical equipment requiring a permit under the subtitle shall be calculated from the following table based on the estimated cost of the work, including equipment, labor and materials.  The department may require verification of such costs.
$0 - 2,000$51.00
$2,001 - 5,000$69.00
$5,000 - 7,000$86.00
$7,001 - $9,000$112.00
$9,001 - $11,000$129.00 
Over $11,000, the fee is $75.00 plus .0055 times the amount in excess of $11,000The fee is $129.00 plus .008 times the amount in excess of $11,000.00


Churches and Other Nonprofit Agencies
Churches, parsonages, eleemosynary, and community association facilities, along with fire stations on properties owned by a volunteer fire company formed pursuant to § 12-1-201 of this Code; shall be charged the minimum fee under sections 108.2.1, 108.2.3, 108.2.4, 108.2.5, and 108.2.6.
Permit Type
Minimum Mechanical Permit Fee $51.00

Effective October 1, 2024

A non-refundable application fee of $43.00 will be added to all plumbing permits.

New construction for all fixtures and appurtenances


New detached single family dwelling units only$173.00
New townhouses and two family dwellings only $129.00
New multi-family units only$86.00
Reconstruction or addition to any existing residential 
plumbing and all commercial plumbing work:
First plumbing fixture$51.00
Each additional plumbing fixture$8.00
Commercial shell building groundwork - flat fee$51.00
On-site water inspection fee
minimum $95.00
$25.00 per unit or tenant space, minimum $164.00
On-site sewer inspection fee
minimum $95.00
$25.00 per unit or tenant space, minimum $164.00
On-site water & sewer inspection feeminimum $328.00
Installation of Sewage Disposal System
Installation or reconstructions/repairs  
Additional septic tank installation$350.00
Addition to drain field or drywell installation$475.00
Pump pit installation or repair  $225.00
Septic piping installation or repair $225.00
Holding tank installation$225.00
Nitrogen-reducing non-conventional sewage disposal system installation$750.00
Advanced pretreatment unit installation$600.00
Septic distribution box repair $225.00
Installation of a combination of sewage disposal system components, including septic tank, drainfield, dry well, distribution box, sump pit, mound system, or pressure-dosed bed$600.00
Commercial onsite sewage disposal systems with a flow rate in excess of 2,000 gallons/day:
For installation$2595.00
For each additional 2,000 gallons/day of flow$2595.00
For installation or reconstruction of a commercial grease trap only$1730.00
Residential Plumbing Permit
One ground, one rough-in one gas and one final inspection 
Reinspection for every inspection scheduled and not canceled at least 24 hours prior to scheduled inspection, or is not accessible to the inspector. $150.00


Churches and Other Nonprofit Agencies
Churches, parsonages, eleemosynary, and community association facilities, along with fire stations on properties owned by a volunteer fire company formed pursuant to § 12-1-201 of this Code; shall be charged the minimum fee under sections 108.2.1, 108.2.3, 108.2.4, 108.2.5, and 108.2.6.
Permit Type
Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee $51.00

 Effective October 1, 2024




Public Works Agreements10% of the cost of improvements
Forestation Agreements 10% of the cost of improvements

  Effective October 1, 2024