Special Events Permit

Procession of people, vehicles, floats, and parades.

Special Event Applications for 2025

Please note that applications submitted less than 14 days before the event will not be accepted. Applications submitted less than 90 days before the event are subject to a late application fee of $100 and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. We strongly encourage early submission to ensure proper and adequate processing time. Applicants are required to pay 75% of the estimated special service charges before the permit is issued and the remaining 25% within 30 days of the event's conclusion. Any special event fee waivers to be considered must be submitted at the same time as the application submission. Any questions should be emailed to specialevents@aacounty.org.

Annual Events Application Notice

Only applications for annual events will be accepted on Saturday, April 5th and Saturday, April 12th, 2025. No new events will be accepted on either day due to public safety staffing.

Application Process

  • You will be able to submit your application, pay fees, and track the status of your application using the Land Use Navigator System.
  • This application is not a permit.
  • Please refer to the Special Event Calendar before proceeding with your application.
  • Please be advised that incomplete applications will expire after 30 days - please submit application before expiration date. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  • Any questions should be emailed to specialevents@aacounty.org
  • Notice: If applying for a special event permit please be advised that the system is currently not assessing fees. If any fees are due, you will be notified by email. The $100 expedited fee is only assessed if you apply less than 90 days prior to the event start date. Organizations may request a waiver for the expedited fee and any associated service charges. For more information, please visit the Special Event Permit web page.

Apply Online

To apply online, access the Land Use Navigator system and select the "Licensing" tab: 

Land Use Navigator

If you are a first time user of the Land Use Navigator system, access the Help Site to get started

Apply In Person

Customers may apply in person at the Permit Center. Staff will assist you with submitting your application using the Land Use Navigator system at a kiosk. Please bring any plans that may be required.

Parade applications are no longer accepted. Parades now require a Special Event permit. Please use the Special Event application on the Land Use Navigator (LUN) portal when applying for a parade permit and visit our Special Event webpage for additional information.

Alcohol Service Information

  • If allowing alcohol at event, please obtain approved Liquor License at least 10 days prior to event.
  • The Liquor Board only issues one day liquor licenses to non-profit organizations. If you are not a non-profit, your liquor permit application will be denied.
  • Apply for a one day liquor license at: https://www.aacounty.org/applications/OEDY/
  • If you are using a caterer who will be providing alcohol, they must have a SCAT license (Statewide Caterer License). Please upload a receipt/agreement from the caterer into the Attachment section of your application.

City of Annapolis

For events taking place within the municipal limits of the City of Annapolis, a City Special Events permit may be required. For more information on City of Annapolis Special Event permits or to submit a permit application, visit https://www.annapolis.gov/465/Special-Events.

Special events approved and permitted within the City of Annapolis do not require additional permitting from Anne Arundel County, Department of Inspections & Permits, Licensing Division.

Rec and Parks

  • If this event is located at a County Park or Trail, AND INCLUDES a road closure, please continue to complete this Special Events Permit application, and upload your Rec & Parks approval in the supporting documentation section. Please Contact Rec & Parks at: 410-222-7317.
  • If this event is located at a County Park or Trail, and DOES NOT INCLUDE a road closure, DO NOT continue to complete this Special Events Permit application. Please Contact Rec & Parks at: 410-222-7317.

Carnival & Circus

  • If this event is a Carnival or Circus, and INCLUDES a road closure, you must complete this Special Events Permit application in addition to the carnival or circus application, which can be completed online through this portal.
  • If this event is a Carnival or Circus, and DOES NOT INCLUDE a road closure, DO NOT continue to complete this Special Events Permit application. You will need to complete a carnival or circus application, which can be completed online through this portal.

State Roads & Highways

  • To determine if your event will impact State, County or Private roads, please review your event location/route at: DPW Know Your Roads

If state roads are impacted, please CLICK HERE to contact SHA

Late Application and Special Service Charge Fees Waiver

  • Organizations may request a waiver for a late application fee and any associated service charges. Entities who are eligible for this waiver are referenced in Anne Arundel County Code §11-11-105(B) and §11-11-106(E)
    Complete the following form, attach it to your special event application, and send a copy to specialevents@aacounty.org. Everything will be reviewed in its entirety and the fee waiver will either be approved or denied where applicable. 

Anne Arundel County accepts applications for Special Event Permits and will review them based on our capacity to provide public safety personnel and to accommodate applicants with an appropriate location for the event activity.

Q: What is a special event?

A: A Special Event is an activity, athletic event, concert, parade, or public assembly (500 people or more) that is held on a designated day or a series of days and:

  1. exclusively uses public streets, alleys, right of ways, County waters, or other public property or;
  2. will physically impede or block the safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic or;
  3. will necessitate the use of county services exceeding normal operations.

Q: What is not a special event?

A: A Special Event does not include:

  • An event held inside a theater, church, school, assembly hall, arena, social hall, government facility, wedding venue, restaurant, hotel ballroom, conference center, or other like structure if the structure is specifically designed to be used as a place for assembly of individuals and follows the maximum occupancy allowed;
  • A funeral procession, a vigil, or a spontaneous response to a current event;
  • An agritourism event held on private property that does not require the exclusive use of public streets or roads or the use of county services exceeding normal operations;
  • An agritourism event and a farm or agricultural heritage site special event as defined in Article 18 of this code authorized by the planning and zoning officer in accordance with § 18-2-203 of this code;
  • An activity at a private marina; or
  • Any event held at a county owned park or sports field will follow the Department of Recreation and Parks permit process by contacting 410-222-7317.

Q: What is the purpose of the special event permit?

A: This permit helps streamline the different requirements of holding an event in the County, provides the sponsors an easier application process, and ensures that the great events held in the County are safe for the community and patrons.

Other permits may be required for temporary tents and/or associated trade permits, as needed.

Q: Who needs to apply for a special event permit?

A: The person (sponsor) who is organizing the special event that meets the requirements listed in Question 1.

Q: How do I apply for a special event permit?

A: Please visit Inspection and Permits Land Use Navigator (LUN) System to apply for the Special Event license. Additional help guides are available at: Land Use Navigator System Help

Q: Do I need a Special Event Permit for a private event at my home or business?

A: If your event takes place on private property, is not open to the public, and does not meet the requirements in Question 1, you will not need to apply for a Special Event Permit.

Q: How long does the Special Event Permit process take?

A: All applications must be submitted to the Licensing Division no later than 90 days and no earlier than one year prior to the start date of the event. All applications are required to be reviewed and acknowledged by the County within 30 business days of submission.

Q: Where do I find the Licensing portal?

A: Land Use Navigator (LUN) System

Q: What if I have questions about the portal and whether I need a permit?

A: Questions can be submitted to: specialevents@aacounty.org

Q: Is there a fee?

A: There is no application fee unless there is an application submitted less than 90 days before the event is to be held. The late application fee is $100. The fee may be waived if the special event meets these criteria:

  1. An activity of an educational institution;
  2. An activity of a community association;
  3. An activity of a non-profit organization;
  4. An activity which requires a license issued under Title 2;
  5. A farm or agricultural heritage site special events under §§ 18-2-203, 18-10-127, or 18-11-125 of this code; or
  6. An activity requiring a County Department of Recreation and Parks permit for the same event.

A special service charge may be applied if county public safety services are needed. Prior to issuing a permit, the County shall provide the sponsor with an estimate of costs the County expects to incur supporting the special event based on a publicly available standardized rate schedule for personnel and equipment. The sponsor does not have to utilize county based public safety services, and is free to hire private or voluntary organizations that provide such services and submit documentation.

The special service change may be waived for the same criteria listed for the late application fee.

Q: Are any additional permits required?

A: Other permits may be required for temporary tents and/or associated trade permits, as needed.

Q: Do I need to submit a Special Event permit for a parade?

A: Parades now require a Special Event permit. Please use the Special Event application on the Land Use Navigator (LUN) portal when applying for a parade permit and visit the Special Event webpage for additional information.