Human Services Core Group Vision
Our vision is that every citizen of Anne Arundel County will live in a safe community in a quality home that he or she can afford, be financially secure and properly nourished, have the job skills needed to succeed in the workplace, be part of a well functioning family unit, have equal opportunity, have access to comprehensive physical and behavioral health services, and live a long, healthy and fulfilled life.
Mission of the Mental Health Agency
Our mission is to:
- plan, monitor and manage a comprehensive, high-quality continuum of behavioral health care for people suffering from mental health and substance use disorders
- respond to emergency calls for behavioral health services and social supports
- advocate for improved behavioral health services and infrastructure in the County
- provide a single point of entry and decision making into the County’s behavioral health system, and
- enhance quality of life for persons with behavioral health issues by assuring a coordinated, comprehensive, person-centered and culturally sensitive continuum of behavioral health care that promotes prevention, recovery, resiliency, health and wellness.