Agricultural & Woodland Preservation Program

Preserving our County’s heritage agricultural and woodland preservation programs.

Planning Framework 

The County has three primary planning documents that establish goals and strategies relating to agricultural and woodland preservation. These include the County’s General Development Plan (Plan2040), the 2022 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan, and the 2022 Green Infrastructure Master Plan. Within these plans are policies, recommendations, and strategies related to promoting agriculture and forestry as a viable sector of the local economy; encouraging the use of best management practices, to reduce nutrient runoff, and promote healthy streams; discourage the loss of prime agricultural and forest land to development; and working cooperatively with State agencies and property owners to increase the amount of land protected through easement acquisition. The most recent offers made through these programs ranged from approximately $8,000 to $11,000 per acre.


Easement Acquisition Programs

1. Anne Arundel County Agricultural and Woodland Preservation Program

  • The County’s Agricultural and Woodland Preservation program was established in 1990 and is a “purchase of development rights” program.
  • County easements are voluntary and "in perpetuity." 
  • Permitted activities include timbering or any agricultural use of the land. 
  • General requirements are that the parcel must have 50 acres of agricultural land or more, meet certain soils criteria, and have an active Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plan, or have a minimum of 25 acres of contiguous woodland with an active Forest Stewardship Plan.
  • Payment is 60% of the appraised Fair Market Value, depending County funding availability. 
  • As of November 30, 2024, the program protects 6,732 acres.

2. Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF)

  • The MALPF program was established in 1977 and is a “purchase of development rights” program administered by the Maryland Department of Agriculture with participation by the County. 
  • MALPF easements are voluntary and "in perpetuity."
  • General requirements are that the parcel must have 50 acres of agricultural land or more, meet certain soils criteria, and have an active Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plan, or have a minimum of 25 acres of contiguous woodland with an active Forest Stewardship Plan.
  • Payment could be up to 75% of the appraised Fair Market Value, depending State and County funding availability.
  • As of November 30, 2024, 5,912 acres in Anne Arundel County are permanently preserved through MALPF easements.

3. Rural Legacy Program 

  • Maryland's Rural Legacy Program was created in 1997 to preserve large, contiguous tracts of land and to enhance natural resource, agricultural, forestry and environmental protection while supporting a sustainable land base for natural resource based industries. The program is administered by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
  • Anne Arundel County’s Rural Legacy Area (RLA), Anne Arundel South, includes 37,381 acres, covering an area south of Central Avenue, extending west to east between the Patuxent and the Rhode Rivers.
  • The key goals of the County’s Rural Legacy Program are to create a greenway, preserve views along some of the County’s most scenic roads, and protect historic and natural resources, while extinguishing development rights.
  • Payment is based on an Easement Valuation System (EVS) formula giving points in recognition of development potential, as well as the presence of agriculture and woodland resources, and the protection of natural resources on a property.
  • As of November 30, 2024, 17,059 acres (46%) of the Anne Arundel South RLA has been protected, including 1,830 acres preserved through permanent easements under the Rural Legacy program.

Contact Us

Billy Gorski

Agricultural Program Planner

Mr. Steve Hopkins

Chair of the Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board