Anne Arundel County continues a long standing commitment to preserve agricultural land and forest land in perpetuity through various County and State funded preservation programs. Goals of the programs are to promote agriculture and forestry as viable sectors of the local economy, encourage the use of best management practices to reduce runoff and promote healthy streams and discourage the loss of prime agricultural land and forest land to development.

Landowner interest is the basis for requesting County funds each year during the Capital Budget cycle. Funds are contingent on approval by the County Executive and County Council. Recent easement offers range from $8,000 to $10,000 per acre with cash at settlement.

Further information on land preservation programs can be obtained by calling (410) 222-7432

Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF)

The state-wide program began in 1980 and is administered through the County protection of prime agricultural soils ranks high on the list of criteria to participate. 5,485 acres protected to date.
Application Deadline – May 1

Anne Arundel County Ag and Woodland Preservation Program

The County’s local program began in 1990 to allow parcels 50 acres and greater to participate. Requirements include an up to date Soil and Water Quality Plan and/or Forest Management Plan as part of the resource protection element; 6,583 acres protected.
Application Deadline - November 1 and April 1.

Rural Legacy Area Program (RLA)

The program was created by the Department of Natural Resources in 1998 with the top priority of further protecting Maryland’s natural resources. A major focus is on increased stream buffer protection through the required 100 foot grass and/or forest buffers; 1,723 acres protected.
Application Deadline - December 1.

Contact Us

Billy Gorski

Agricultural Program Planner

Mr. Steve Hopkins

Chair of the Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board