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Pay Your Utility Bill
Pay your water / wastewater bill online using our payment system.
Bills & Payments Information
Information on how to pay your County Tax & Utility Bills online, by phone, by mail or in person.
Pay Real Estate Taxes
Pay your real estate taxes online using our payment system.
Enroll in AutoPay
Set up recurring payment for a fixed or full amount due for Utility and Real Estate Taxes online at your convenience.
Business Personal Property TaxAnne Arundel County issues business personal property tax bills for any business entity that has business assets located within our jurisdiction.
Child SupportAccess the child support customer service and payment information website.
Leak AdjustmentDepartment of Public Works offers a "Leak Adjustment" as a benefit to our customers faced with the expense of costly plumbing repairs and the associated high utility bill.
Real Property TaxReal property tax information for property owners in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Recordation and Transfer TaxRecordation and Transfer Taxes are excise taxes imposed and governed by State and Public Local Law for the privilege of recording an instrument in the County Land Records (or, in some cases, with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation).
School Aged Child Care PaymentsAccess the payment portal to pay your school aged child care payment.
Tax Credits & ExemptionsAnne Arundel County has enacted several local property tax credits for the benefit of the owners of real property located within our jurisdiction.
Utility Billing InformationFind information, forms, and frequently asked questions about the utility billing process.
Utility BillsFind Water/Wastewater, Front Foot/CFA and Installment Agreement Bills.
Watershed Protection & Restoration FeeThe Watershed Protection & Restoration Fee provides a dedicated source of revenue for the operating, maintenance and capital improvement expense of stormwater management programs regulated and required by the State and Federal governments.
Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee Appeal ProgramThe Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee (WPRF) Appeal Program is intended for property owners who feel that they have been billed in error.