Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council

The Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council is a group of County residents who volunteer to serve in an advisory capacity to the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities, the County Executive, and other governmental bodies as established under the 1965 Older Americans Act.

The Older Americans Act of 1965 (Sec 1321.57) requires that each Area Agency on Aging (AAA) to have an advisory council. The council’s purpose is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Department of Aging and Disabilities and the County Executive, which will further the county’s and area agency’s mission of developing and coordinating community based systems of services for all older persons in the planning and service area.

  • Provide advice on all matters relating to development, administration, and operations conducted under the Area Agency on Aging. This includes goals, objectives, priorities and execution of the Annual Plan.
  • Review and make recommendations on grant proposals when appropriate.
  • Evaluate programs funded by the Area Agency on Aging.
  • Provide advice to County officials on any matter relating to older adults living in Anne Arundel County.
  • Represent the interests of older adults.
  • Review and comment on community policies, programs and actions which affect older adults with the intent of assuring maximum coordination and responsiveness to older adults.
  • Identify gaps in services to older adults and provide recommendations for corrective action.
  • Act as an advocate for the older adults of Anne Arundel County.
  • Attend Council meetings and actively participate in the deliberations and activities.

The Advisory Council members meet on the third Friday of each month with the exception of July and August at 10:00 am in the Independence Conference Room at the Heritage Office Complex, 2664 Riva Road, Suite 170, Annapolis, MD. 21401. 

Call (410) 222-4464 for additional information.

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