Special Operations Division

The Anne Arundel County Police Special Operations Division provides a specialized police response for the department.

About the Division

The Special Operations Division provides a specialized police response for unique emergency situations and technical traffic investigations. The following full time units are assigned to the Division:

Command Staff

Commanding OfficerCaptain Tim Schultz
Special Operations Section CommanderLieutenant Brent Weaver
Traffic Safety Section CommanderLieutenant Erin Brandt
Special Events Section CommanderLieutenant Jonathan Zimmer

QRT provides operational and tactical support to the Patrol Division. Major responsibilities include handling hostage/barricade situations, high risk felony arrests, entering and stabilizing raid locations, woodland suspect searches, tactical responses to WMD/Hazmat and maritime incidents.

The Aviation Unit provides air support for operational activities, including surveillance, traffic enforcement, and pursuit of fleeing offenders. The unit also provides aerial support for various other County, State and Federal agencies.

The responsibility of the K-9 Unit is to provide line support to components within the department with highly mobile, specially trained police dogs. The unit provides canine support for high risk building/area searches, narcotic and explosives searches, and searches for missing persons.

Traffic Safety Section

The Traffic Safety Section coordinates or oversees traffic-related services including the department’s radar enforcement programs, chemical test for alcohol program, and traffic control during parades, and other major events. The Traffic Safety Section also investigates all fatal motor vehicle traffic accidents.

Speed Camera Program 

Special Events Section

The Special Events Section provides liaison functions between the Police Department, other branches of County government and non-government organizations in the planning and management of special events in the County. Additionally, the Special Events Section manages the agency's Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU), the County Tow Program, and the Department Honor Guard Program. The Commander of the Special Events Section also serves as the primary police liaison with the Office of Emergency Management (OEM).

Special Operations Division

Decentralized Units

The following decentralized units also fall under the operational command of the Special Operations Division:

Conflict Negotiations Team (Hostage Negotiators)
Civil Disturbance Unit (Public Order Unit)
Decentralized Quick Response Team (DSWAT)