About the Board
The Recreation Advisory Board makes advisory recommendations to the Director of Recreation and Parks relating to recreation programs, services and facilities for all age groups, cooperative programs with private organizations and schools, and rules for the preservation of order and fairness in connection there with.
Meeting Information
The Recreation Advisory Board typically meets bi-monthly on the third Wednesday of that month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Individuals wishing to make a presentation before the Board should call the Director's Office at (410) 222-7867 before the next meeting.

Anne Arundel County Code Charter
Sec. 550. Recreation Advisory Board
There shall be a Recreation Advisory Board consisting of seven members appointed by the County Executive for terms coterminous with his. Members of the Board shall receive no compensation for these services except reasonable and necessary expenses as may be provided in the budget. The County Executive shall select its Chairman. The Recreation Advisory Board shall make advisory recommendations to the Director of Recreation and Parks relating to recreation programs and services and facilities for any age group, cooperative programs with private organizations and schools and rules for the preservation of order and decency in connection therewith. (Bill No. 93-80)