Bay Head Park Survey

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Bay Head Park Bicycle Facilities Survey.

Recreation and Parks is incredibly grateful for the nearly 1,000 responses received. The Department thoroughly reviews all the public comments. At this time, no further action is scheduled for this project. For future project updates, please visit the Recreation and Parks website at The Department of Recreation and Parks welcomes comments via email at

Thank you,

Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks

Bay Head Park Bicycle Facilities Survey Results

Project Description

Feasibility study exploring the possibility of adding a bicycle motocross track and bicycle pump track at Bay Head Park.

Project Consultants

Gannett Fleming, Inc.

Project Status

Feasibility study

Project Updates

A draft of the Feasibility Study has been completed. A public survey was also completed in March and April 2024. It's important to note that a decision to construct these facilities has not been finalized.



BMX Track Feasibility Study

Bayhead Park - Bicycle Facilities Survey Results