Public Meeting Calendar & Feedback
This calendar contains meetings that will be held in the community to discuss Capital Projects that are managed by Recreation and Parks & the Bureau of Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please email us using the button below.

Project Locations
Choose a park, trail, or facility below to see the projects that are active at that site.
Bacon Ridge Natural Area
Bay Head Park
Beachwood Park
Broadneck Peninsula Trail
Brooklyn Community Center
Brooklyn Heights Park
Brooklyn Park Complex
Caraker Memorial Plaza-B&A Trail
Carrs Wharf
Deale Community Park
Downs Park
Edgewater Recreation Center
Fort Smallwood Park
Historic Hancock’s Resolution
Historic London Town & Gardens
Hot Sox Field at Wilson Park
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary
Lake Waterford Park
Mayo Beach Park
Millersville Park
North Arundel Aquatic Center
Odenton Community Park
Odenton Park (GORC)
Peninsula Park
Queenstown Park
Quiet Waters Park
South River Farm Park
South Shore Park
South Shore Trail
Spriggs Farm Park on the Magothy
Tanyard Springs Park
The Preserve at Eisenhower Golf Course
Trail Spurs and Connectors
WB&A Trail
West County Swim Center