Procurement Access and Vendor Equity (PAVE)

The PAVE program’s primary objective is to increase wealth in the minority, women-owned, veteran-owned, and small business communities through government contracting opportunities.


Anne Arundel County Government (County) Procurement Compliance Team (PCT) advocates for inclusion and economic opportunities for minority, women, veteran-owned, small, and emerging businesses herein known as Certified Business Enterprises (CBE); and works to eliminate barriers to their participation in County contracts.  The program is known as Procurement Access & Vendor Equity (PAVE). 

Upcoming Events

PAVE Staff will be attending the following upcoming events:
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Upcoming Procurement Opportunities

View a forecast of upcoming procurements

Language Assistance

If English is not your primary language and you have difficulty communicating effectively in English, contact Elisa Brown for assistance. 

Si el inglés no es su idioma principal y tiene dificultades para comunicarse efectivamente en inglés, comuníquese con Elisa Brown para obtener ayuda.

영어가 귀하의 주요 언어가 아니고 영어로 효과적으로 의사소통하는 데 어려움이 있는 경우 Elisa Brown에게 도움을 요청하십시오.