Purchasing Agent
Catrice L Parsons, Purchasing Agent, phpars22@aacounty.org, (410) 222-1714
Management Team
Diana G. Cox, C.P.M., Procurement Strategy Manager, phcox001@aacounty.org, (410) 222-7668
Dale W. Eutsler, Category Management Manager, pheuts22@aacounty.org, (410) 222-7665
Karen Gerkin, Assistant Purchasing Agent, phgerk00@aacounty.org, (410) 222-7664
Natalie Smalls, Compliance Strategy Manager, phsmal24@aacounty.org, (410) 222-7628
Buyer | Departments |
Stacey Sells, Sr. Procurement Professional phsell77@aacounty.org (410) 222-7646 | DPW |
Lindsay Unitas phunit24@aacounty.org (410) 222-4246 | OIT |
Jennifer Mackie, Buyer IV phmack22@aacounty.org (410) 222-4274 | County Executives Office County Council Recreation & Parks |
Seth Bova phbova24@aacounty.org (410) 222-4550 | Personnel |
Justin Alsup, Buyer III phalsu00@aacounty.org (410) 222-4123 | Fleet Fuel Heavy Equipment Transportation Snow |
Annette LesCallett, Procurement Professional Buyer III phlesc00@aacounty.org (410) 222-7626 | Fire Central Services Maryland Cooperative UMD Extension Services |
Andrew McCauley, Buyer III phmcca51@aacounty.org (410) 222-4567 | Animal Control Aging & Disabilities Detention Centers Health Social Services Partnership for Children, Youth & Families Domestic Relations |
Cassandra Daniels, Buyer III phdani22@aacounty.org (410) 222-7666 | Copiers Records Management/Shredding Office Supplies, Furniture Co-op |
Christina Shives, Buyer II phshiv00@aacounty.org (410) 222-7626 | Inspections & Permits Planning & Zoning Law Community Development Corporation Housing Commission |
Ryan Stouten, Buyer II phstou24@aacounty.org (410) 222-4284 | Police Sherriff OEM Animal Services |
Michael McDonald, Buyer II phmcdo22@aacounty.org (410) 222-3782 | Auditor Budget Finance Liquor Board Board of Elections DWP-Highways |
Sara Namuddu, Buyer II phnamu23@aacounty.org (410) 222-4287 | Board of Appeals Register of Wills State Attorney Orphans Court Circuit Court County Council Ethics Commission Administrative Hearings |
Buyer | Departments |
Amy Muck phmuck23@aacounty.org (410) 222-4292 | DPW Capital |
Kim Lee, Procurement Professional Buyer III phlee200@aacounty.org (410) 222-4142 | DPW Capital |
Carla Simms-Richardson, Management Aide phsimm22@aacounty.org (410) 222-7660 | DPW Capital |
Jennifer Mackie, Buyer IV purchasing@aacounty.org (410) 222-4274 | OIT Capital |