To find out more about current projects, please review the information provided on this page.
Future Development Information
Until a development application is submitted, the County does not have access to future application materials. However, some projects may request to forego a review process prior to submitting a development application, and those are done through a modification request. Find more information on active modification requests here.
Furthermore, you may request more information on an active modification application, or an active application for development, by completing a request in the below link, and selecting the Planning and Zoning button.
Public Information Act Requests
Visit our Community Meeting Calendar and select the button for “Future Meetings”. You may also select past meetings still available for comment, or those closed for comment. Community Meeting information is displayed for a minimum of 1 year from the date held on our website.
Community Meeting Calendar
Generally, community meetings must be held before an application for development is submitted. A subsequent follow up meeting is often required as the project progresses. Some projects are exempt from the requirement to hold a community meeting, but may do so as a courtesy. Community meeting provisions, including when a project is required to hold a community meeting, can be found in Articles 17-2-107 & 108 of the Anne Arundel County Code, with additional information and useful links found on the Office of Planning and Zoning’s Community Meeting webpage.
Active and Approved Development Project Resources & Reports
Although not all properties have an associated plat that is recorded, a user can search the Maryland records for those plats that are available by visiting the website and creating a free log-in to access the database.
After creating a free log-in to access the database, the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation offers a website with recorded deeds that are searchable.
It is possible to request more information on an active development application by completing a request in the below link, selecting the Planning and Zoning button.
Public Information Act Requests
Helpful resources related to community development
Visit our Community Planning Division where planning for the future starts at the community level.
A list can be found under the Office of Community Engagement and Constituent Services (CECS).
Community Associations
Community Engagement and Constituent Services maintains a list of community Associations. Please fill out the online Community Association Request Form or contact them directly at 410-222-1785.

Location and Hours
Heritage Complex, Building 2664
2664 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Open: Mon - Fri, 8am-4:30pm
Customer Support: Mon - Fri, 8am - 3:45pm, or by appointment
Telephone Numbers
Residential (410) 222-7458
Regional (410) 222-7485
Critical Area (410) 222-7960
Transportation (410) 222-7462