Crime Snapshot
A daily snapshot of crime statistics in Anne Arundel County.
2024 End of Year Crime Data
View the Anne Arundel County Police Department End of Year Crime Data below.

Crime Prevention
The goal of crime prevention is to create a safe and secure environment for individuals, families, and communities. The Anne Arundel County Police Department uses a combination of community policing strategies and innovative technology to proactively address crime in the county.
Unsolved Cases
The Police Department has cold cases and missing persons cases that remain unsolved. We continue to seek information on these cases. Review the links below and if you have information about one of these cases, please reach out.

Online Crime Reporting
Online Crime Reporting allows you to report certain crimes or incidents online without waiting for a police officer to respond to your location or leaving your home but still have the incident documented. Reports submitted through this portal will be reviewed on the day submitted or next business day.