Report Suspicious Activity
Why say something if you see something? To protect your family, coworkers or community? Report suspicious activity to the Homeland Security and Intelligence Unit.
Receive Emergency Notifications
Anne Arundel County utilizes an emergency notification system, CivicReady©, capable of contacting citizens and businesses quickly in case of an emergency. CivicReady© alerts the public of emergencies and disasters, safety measures to be taken, and information pertaining to government operations.
About Us
The mission of the Anne Arundel County Police Homeland Security & Intelligence Unit is to serve as a leader in the prevention, disruption, and interdiction of organized crime, gang activity, terrorism, violent criminals, and illegal activity which undermines the public safety and security of Anne Arundel County.
Our mandate is to do so by facilitating intelligence exchange, conducting security & threat assessments, employing proactive investigative measures, and by leveraging the use of technology to effectively operate within the Intelligence-led policing model.
All activities of the Homeland Security & Intelligence Unit will be limited to those persons and organizations, which are suspected of being involved in criminal activity and will be conducted in a manner which respects the privacy and constitutional rights of all individuals regardless of race, age, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, homelessness, gender identity or expression.
Staying Informed
Social Media
The Anne Arundel County Police Department maintains social media site to provide its citizens with the most updated information about events occurring in the County. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay aware of active events.
Crisis Response Services
Do you or someone you know need help with a crisis? If it seems like someone you care about is not in a healthy place, reach out for help. The Crisis Response System known as the "Community Warmline" is a service that provides Anne Arundel County Residents in crisis with supportive assistance and linkages to resources within the community. If needed, Mobile Crisis Teams and other resources are available for crisis prevention or intervention. If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis related to mental health or substance abuse, please take advantage of the below link to Anne Arundel Crisis Response.
Maryland Emergency Management
Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) provides people living in the State of Maryland with information about disasters and events occurring within the State.
Maryland Emergency Management Agency
National Advisories
In 2011, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) replaced the color-coded alerts of the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) with the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), designed to more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public.
The Homeland Security & Intelligence Unit recognizes that all of us should be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what to do. The below public link contains any current NTAS advisories, archived copies of expired advisories and general information about the NTAS.
Public Service Announcement
“If You See Something, Say Something™” Protect Your Every Day PSA (English)