C.R.A.S.E. Training
With the increase in active shooter/assailant and mass violence events, we can no longer afford to not be prepared when an event strikes.
The Anne Arundel County Police Department offers courses and security assessments to businesses and houses of worship to better prepare for acts of mass violence.
C.R.A.S.E., Civilian Reaction Active Shooter Events, is a course offered by the Anne Arundel County Police Department and will help to prepare you, no matter whether you are at work, home, or the mall, to have a plan, and be prepared.
This 90 minute session will take you from a potential victim mentality to a victor mentality and help you to develop a plan of preparedness. For additional information, please contact Cpl. Shiloh with the Anne Arundel County Police Community Relations at (410) 222-2446.
Shield Program
The Anne Arundel County Police Department Guardian Shield program endeavors to bring our private and public sectors together. Working as partners, we strengthen our community against terrorism and domestic threats, through effective communications and training.
This is a public-private partnership based on providing best practices, lessons learned, counterterrorism training opportunities, and information sharing. SHIELD seeks to partner with private sector security managers with the goal of protecting Anne Arundel County from terrorist attacks.
For more information please visit https://www.aapdguardianshield.org
Security Assessments
The Anne Arundel Police Department, Homeland Security and Intelligence Unit offers security assessment to business and houses of worship to review plans and provide recommendations to better safeguard your facility. If you would like a security assessment conducted, please contact the unit by calling (410) 222-4736.
Resources to Protect Your House of Worship
Despite being sanctuaries from the troubles of the world, houses of worship have also been targets as violence has spiked across the world in recent years. Unfortunately, public gatherings can be vulnerable and adversaries may perceive houses of worship as attractive targets where they can inflict mass casualties, cause substantial psychological impacts, and draw extensive media coverage. The Anne Arundel County Police would like to offer these resources as a tool to help keep our citizens safe.
For more information please visit https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/individuals-communities/faith
School Safety and Security
The occurrence of mass violence in schools across the United States has demonstrated the ongoing need to educate the public in preventing future school attacks. This page offers a starting place for Department of Homeland Security documents, resources and tools related to school safety and security.
For more information please visit https://www.dhs.gov/cisa/school-safety-and-security