Chapter 00:  Table of Contents
Table of Contents     
Chapter 01: Authority, Jurisdiction, and Role of the Office
1.1 Authority Organization Command Structure     
1.2 Mission Goals and Objectives      
1.3 Inter-Agency Agreements      
1.3.1 Interagency MOU 1998 AA County PD     
1.3.2 Interagency MOU 2000 Baltimore City PD     
1.3.3 Interagency MOU 2008 Annapolis PD     
1.3.4 MOU 2015 District Courts     
1.4 National Incident Management     
1.5 Incident Emergency Support     
Chapter 02: General Management
2.1 Planning and Policy Management     
2.2 Secondary Employment     
2.3 Compliance and Inspections     
2.4 Essential Emergency Personnel     
Chapter 03: Fiscal Management
3.1 Finance and Budgets     
3.2 Management of Legal Process Fees     
Chapter 04: Employee Relations & Benefits
4.1 Employee Attire      
4.2 Awards and Commendations     
4.3 Equal Employment Opportunity Discrimination Harassment      
4.4 Grooming Standards     
4.5 Conditions of Work      
4.6 Duty Classifications     
4.7 Employee Performance Planning and Appraisal     
4.8 Volunteers and Interns     
Chapter 05: Employee Conduct
5.1 Code of Ethics     
5.2 Code of Conduct     
5.3 Investigation of Employee Misconduct     
5.4 Disciplinary Action     
5.5 Reporting Employee Arrest Court Appearance     
Chapter 06: Recruitment, Selection, and Training
6.1 Training     
6.2 Field Training Program     
6.3 Training Planning and Development     
6.4 Entry Level Recruitment and Selection     
6.5 Promotional Opportunities     
Chapter 07: Records and Communications
7.1 Written Directives     
7.2 infosecurity     
7.3 Telephone Etiquette     
7.4 Radio Communications     
7.5 News Media Relations     
7.6 Records Retention     
7.7 Reports and Forms Completion     
7.8 Tracking Legal Process     
7.9 Ten Minute Hits on Protective Orders     
Chapter 08: Community Relations and Public Information
8.1 Community Relations Crime Prevention     
8.2 Ridealongs Civilian     
Chapter 09: Property and Evidence
9.1 Quartermaster Property Custodians     
9.2 Recovered Property and Evidence     
Chapter 10: Weapons
10.1 Use of Force     
10.2 Firearms Policy     
10.3 Armory Firearms Maintenance     
Chapter 11: Vehicles
11.1 Use of County Vehicles     
11.2 Emergency Vehicle Operations     
11.3 Motor Vehicle Law Traffic Enforcement     
11.4 Vehicle Search     
Chapter 12: Criminal & Civil Enforcement Operations
12.1 Arrests Citations Victim Witness     
12.2 Suspect Search     
12.3 Building Search     
12.4 Writs Legal Papers     
12.5 Canine Operations     
12.6 Domestic Violence Protective Orders     
Chapter 13: Prisoner Handling and Transportation
13.1 Prisoner Restraint Transport     
13.2 Prisoner Holding Areas     
13.3 Prisoner Search     
Chapter 14: Physical Security
14.1 Court Security     
Chapter 15: Occupational Safety
15.1 Safety Committee     
15.2 Line of Duty Injury Death     
Chapter 16: Index