Anne Arundel County Office of Transportation (OOT) provides two (2) types of service:
- Complementary American with Disability Act (ADA)
- General Paratransit (GPT) throughout Anne Arundel County.
Complementary Paratransit
Complementary para-transit service is designed to be "comparable to" (similar to) fixed route bus service, operating in the same areas and during the same days and hours. As a comparable service, Complementary para-transit service is only required to transport riders to and from locations that are within three-quarters 3/4 mile of existing local fixed routes and during the same days and hours of that fixed route service. Points of origin-to-destination beyond this three-quarters 3/4 mile corridor are not eligible for Complementary para-transit service, but are eligible for General paratransit service. Reservations for ADA complementary paratransit can take up to the close of business the day before travel and up to seven (7) days, in advance.
Please mail the completed form to:
Anne Arundel County Office of Transportation
7060 Aviation Blvd.,
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Donations are accepted by check or money order only. Payable to Anne Arundel County.
General Paratransit (GPT)
For eligible customers who have a disability that prevents them from making some or all of their trips on fixed route services, Anne Arundel County offers a shared-ride, origin-to-destination service.
The service is provided with lift-equipped vehicles, or it may be provided by an accessible taxi that has been scheduled through the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities office as part of the Taxi Voucher program.
Anne Arundel County provides “general para-transit service throughout the County. To confirm whether demand response can serve where you are traveling from and where you would like to go, contact the office at (410) 222-0022. Reservations must be made two (2) days, and up to seven (7) days, in advance. Demand Response trips can be scheduled for any purpose, whether for shopping, appointments, etc.
Eligibility requirements are:
- 18 and older with a disability; (Acceptable Documentation and/or SSI award letter)
- 55 and older
- Resident of Anne Arundel County.
TTY users please call via MD relay 7-1-1.