To promote and establish multi modal transportation networks throughout Anne Arundel County, which will provide the necessary infrastructure to make Anne Arundel County an economically vibrant community enhancing the quality of life for the citizens by advising the County Executive and the County Council on the coordination and development of government policies, programs, services, and allocations of resources for citizens regarding transportation.
- Maintaining a comprehensive transportation development program that identifies the Anne Arundel's long-range transportation needs.
- Recommending on an annual basis a Transportation Improvement Program for the six fiscal years next ensuing.
- Recommending priorities for project requests that are to be submitted for funding through state, regional and local transportation funding programs.
- Recommend the development of innovative local and regional transit options.
- Recommend quality pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.
- Recommend priorities for all its citizens, regardless of age or ability, with accessibility and mobility.
- Receiving reports and findings on transportation project development studies and recommending follow up actions.
- Recommending transportation projects for addition to or deletion from the metropolitan planning organization and regional long-range transportation plans.
- Recommending such amendments may be necessary or desirable to the transportation chapter of the Anne Arundel's adopted Master Plan.
- Preparing periodic reports on the Anne Arundel's progress in implementing its long-range transportation plan.