Plan2040 Implementation Advisory Committee

The Plan2040 Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) monitors progress and provides guidance to the County Executive, County Council, and County staff regarding implementation of the General Development Plan. The Committee helps ensure transparency and accountability regarding the recommendations set forth in Plan2040. The Committee also provides recommendations on budget matters necessary to carry out implementation activities.

IAC Membership

IAC membership is designed to provide a wide range of perspectives on the needs, policies, and programs of Anne Arundel County. To leverage human capital and institutional knowledge, the IAC is composed of members of existing Anne Arundel County Boards and Commissions along with major public institutions in the County. Convening the members of these different boards and organizations provides an opportunity for them to see their work in broader context, identify potential synergies and conflicts, and help the County develop and refine a cohesive approach to implementing Plan2040.

Boards and Organizations Composing IAC (One representative from each)
Implementation Advisory Committee Membership

The IAC met on Saturday, October 22, 2022 where they were briefed on the implementation status of the various strategies from Plan2040. At this meeting, the IAC discussed priority challenges and opportunities throughout the County. The IAC provided recommendations to guide the County’s work to achieve the goals and strategies set forth in Plan2040.

Meeting documents

The IAC met on Thursday, February 29, 2024 to discuss progress on priorities they identified in the Fall 2022 meeting. The IAC updated and refined their recommendations to guide implementation of Plan2040.

Meeting documents