Emergency Management News

Anne Arundel County Hurricane Preparedness Week

Anne Arundel County Hurricane Preparedness Week\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers for August 2, 2020

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers for August 2, 2020\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers for July 30, 2020

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers for July 30, 2020\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers for July 27, 2020

Anne Arundel County will open cooling centers on Monday, July 27, 2020 and Tuesday, July 28, 2020 in response to prolonged high temperatures and excessive humidity.\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers - July 17, 2020

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers - July 17, 2020\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers\

County Executive Pittman Appoints Emergency Management Director

County Executive Pittman Appoints Emergency Management Director\

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers - January 29, 2020

Anne Arundel County will open warming centers overnight on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 in response to extremely cold forecast temperatures. \

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers - January 7, 2020

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers\

Excessive Cold Prompts Extension of Warming Centers - December 19, 2019

Excessive Cold Prompts Extension of Warming Centers\

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers - December 17, 2019

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers - December 17, 2019\

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers - November 12, 2019

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers - November 12, 2019\

Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters

Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters\

Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters

Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters\

Save Early for Disaster Costs

National effort focused on Save Early for Disaster Costs for September’s National Emergency Preparedness Month.\

National Emergency Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month.\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers - August 19, 2019

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers - August 19, 2019\

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers - August 16, 2019

Excessive Heat Prompts Opening of Cooling Centers - August 16, 2019\

FEMA, FCC Conduct Nationwide EAS Test Test Will Be Afternoon of August 7

FEMA, FCC Conduct Nationwide EAS Test Test Will Be Afternoon of August 7\

Hurricane Season Begins

Hurricane Season Begins\

National Dam Safety Awareness Day

National Dam Safety Awareness Day \

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers from March 4th until March 7th

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers\

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers on Sunday, March 4, 2019

Excessive Cold Prompts Opening of Warming Centers on Sunday, March 4, 2019\

Winter Storm Preparations

The Office of Emergency Management is tracking a winter storm that is expected to reach Anne Arundel County/\