OEM Staff


The Anne Arundel County Office of Emergency Management was established in 2006 to coordinate the County's response to major emergencies. Our mission is to help our County agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and residents prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters.



The Office of Emergency Management is comprised of four units: Operations and Planning, Training and Exercise, Communication and Outreach, and Special Projects. The organizational chart below depicts the positions and names of staff members under each unit.

Organizational Chart

Operations and Planning

The Operations and Planning Unit ensures plans, policies, and procedures reflect the County’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. This Unit also manages the County’s Mass Notification System and coordinates special events planning with public safety agencies.


Training and Exercise

The Training and Exercise Unit maintains and facilitates a comprehensive training program for the Office of Emergency Management and its partnering agencies. The Training and Exercise Unit works with participating County, State, local, and non-governmental agencies to coordinate regular training and exercises to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and capabilities to effectively prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from potential emergencies and disasters that may affect County residents, businesses, and visitors.


Communications and Outreach

The Communications and Outreach Unit ensures that timely and accurate information is shared with the public and County agencies before, during, and after emergencies and disasters.  This Unit increases public awareness and education through social media, traditional media, presentations, and by attending community events.


Special Projects

The Special Projects Unit organizes, leads, and helps execute projects that may fall outside the scope of regular duties. This Unit assists with grants management, oversees public assistance reimbursement after disasters, and maintains the operational readiness of the Emergency Operations Center. The Special Projects Unit also manages our call center during emergencies and manages logistics for mass care sheltering supplies.

Preeti Emrick, JD
Emergency Management Director

Phone: (410) 222-0600  |  Email: ememri22@aacounty.org

Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the Office of Emergency Management and working with other County Department Directors to ensure coordination of planning and response efforts. 

Phone: (410) 222-0605  |  Email: jcorona@aacounty.org

Responsible for supporting the Director, overseeing day-to-day operations, and working with the Unit Leads and staff to implement the strategic plan for the office.

Phone: (410) 222-0601  |  Email: emarnd20@aacounty.org

Responsible for managing the office budget, purchasing, inventory, and directly supports the Director and Deputy Director, and serves as a liaison with other County agencies. 

Phone: (410) 222-0611  |  Email: emfont23@aacounty.org

Responsible for assisting the Management Assistant with purchasing and inventory, responding to general public inquiries, overseeing facility and vehicle management requirements, and coordinating event logistics.

Phone: (410) 222-0610  |  Email: jseborowski@aacounty.org

Oversees the Operations and Planning Unit to ensure plans, policies, and procedures reflect the County’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. Responsible for managing the Emergency Operation Plan, Damage Assessment Plan, Nuisance Flooding Plan, and coordinating with public safety agencies to plan for upcoming special events.

Phone: (410) 222-0861  |  Email: emjett24@aacounty.org

Responsible for developing and maintaining emergency plans, policies, and procedures by collaborating with County Departments and agencies. Manages the County’s Evacuation Plan and Dam Emergency Action Plans.

Phone: (410) 222-0602  |  Email: empeed24@aacounty.org 

Responsible for assisting in the design, development, conduct, and evaluation of countywide emergency management training and exercises. Assists in the development and review of county After-Action Reports (AARs) and follows up on the areas for improvement. This position is also responsible for assisting with the management of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) training curriculum.

Phone:  (410) 222-0613 | Email: emsper23@aacounty.org  

Responsible for developing and maintaining emergency plans, policies, and procedures and managing the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA). This position also supports the Training and Exercise Unit as needed.

Phone: (410) 222-0607  |  Email: emthom22@aacounty.org

Oversees the Communications and Outreach Unit to ensure timely and accurate information is shared with the public and County agencies before, during, and after emergencies and disasters. Responsible for media relations, social media, language access, and multimedia projects.

Phone: (410) 222-0609  |  Email: emkrem00@aacounty.org

Responsible for teaching the community about the different hazards that our County faces and how to prepare for them and organizing volunteers during disasters to support planned and unplanned events, activations, and traffic control. This position is also responsible for the Volunteer and Donations Management Plan.

Phone: (410) 222-0606  |  Email: empauc21@aacounty.org

Responsible for conducting preparedness presentations in English and Spanish, supporting public outreach events, translating public information materials, and providing CPR/AED, Stop the Bleed, and Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) training as requested.

Phone: (410) 222-6148  |  Email: emfish00@aacounty.org

Oversees the Training and Exercise Unit to develop and conduct training for emergency operations center representatives and discussion-based and operation-based exercises to test County plans, policies, and procedures. Responsible for managing the County’s training and exercise calendar, the Integrated Preparedness Plan, and WebEOC.

Phone: (410) 222-0612  |  Email: emtopo22@aacounty.org

Oversees the Special Projects Unit including special events planning, managing the Emergency Operations Center call center during emergencies, and assisting with grants management. Responsible for managing the Hazard Mitigation Plan and leading public assistance efforts after disasters. 

Phone: (410) 222-0604  |  Email: emabat22@aacounty.org

Responsible for leading grant management efforts, including the grant application process, coordinating with various stakeholders, and ensuring compliance with grant requirements including routine reporting, budget tracking, and evaluation.