Ethics Commissioners
The members of the Anne Arundel County Ethics Commission are volunteers. Three of the members are nominated by the county council and four are selected by the county executive, subject to the approval of the county council. . Each member serves a four-year term, and no more than four members may belong to the same political party. The Anne Arundel County Charter, Article X, Section 1001 establishes the qualifications for membership on the commission as follows:
- A commission member must be a resident of Anne Arundel County
- A commission member may not hold and may not be a candidate for an elected or appointed office of the federal, state, or local government or a political party
- A commission member may not be an employee of the federal, state, or local government or a political party
- A commission member may not be a lobbyist required to register under any federal, state, or local public ethics law
- A commission member may not participate in the campaign of a candidate for elective office, or support or oppose a ballot question at any general or special election, except a question directly affecting the commission

About the Commission
The Anne Arundel County Ethics Commission administers the Public Ethics Law. It is an independent agency, performing its duties and responsibilities without the oversight of the county government.
It is served by a staff of two employees, an executive director, who is a lawyer licensed to practice law in Maryland, and an assistant to the commission.
Legislative Policy
Commission Staff
Gina Scerbo who joined the staff as the commission secretary in August, 2007, has over 20 years of secretarial experience. Ms. Scerbo is a native of South County and resides in Dunkirk with her husband and two daughters.