Closings, Cancellations, & Delays

Listed below are the programs, facilities, and events that have an impact to their operations or have been cancelled/delayed:


Downs Park Photography Notice

Recreation and Parks has implemented a new photograph policy at Downs Park. This is a pilot program and does not apply to other regional or community parks at this time.


Playground Closed for Maintenance

Southgate Old Mill Park playground will be closed for improvements from June 16, 2025, for approximately 7-10 days. Please note that weather conditions may impact the completion timeline.


Playground Closed for Maintenance

Edgewater Park playground will be closed for improvements from April 29, 2025, for approximately 7-10 days. Please note that weather conditions may impact the completion timeline.


Playground Closed for Maintenance

Arnold Park playground will be closed for improvements from June 3, 2025, for approximately 7-10 days. Please note that weather conditions may impact the completion timeline. 


Playground Closed for Maintenance

Deale Tracey’s Park playground will be closed for improvements from April 28, 2025, for approximately 7-10 days. Please note that weather conditions may impact the completion timeline.


Playground Closed for Maintenance

Red Maple at Quiet Waters Park playground will be closed for improvements from May 12, 2025, for approximately 7-10 days. Please note that weather conditions may impact the completion timeline.


Playground Construction

Bay Head Park playground will be closed for major improvements from May 5, 2025 for approximately 10-13 days.  Please note that weather conditions may impact the completion timeline.