Youth Advisory Council

Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman signed Executive Order Number 28, creating the Anne Arundel County Youth Advisory Council and Youth Corps. The Youth Advisory Council was then codified into law with the passage of Bill No. 77-22.

Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation

AAWDC is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation that provides innovative, high quality workforce development services to Anne Arundel County businesses and citizens. AAWDC is the bridge between understanding the workforce and talent development needs of local and regional businesses and preparing individuals to meet their full career potential.

Inter-Faith Advisory Council

An advisory body that serves as a means to advise the County Executive on needs of faith organizations and community, available resources , best practices and other relevant issues related to the County's various communities.

Charter Revision Commission

The Charter Revision Commission, created by Sec. 1203 in the County Charter, is responsible for conducting a comprehensive study of the County government and recommending revisions to the Charter as necessary, including the matter of the revision of the Councilmanic districts of the County.


ArundelStat is the performance management and data analytics team for Anne Arundel County Government.

Severn Center

The Severn Center is a brand new facility welcoming and inclusive for all community members. It features a Boys & Girls Club, Community Room, and Senior Activity Center. The Senior Activity Center provides activities for older adults in the Severn area and is part of the Department of Aging and Disabilities.

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force (GVPTF)

The task force was charged with researching and compiling data on crimes and suicide involving guns and recommending actions to help reduce gun violence in the county.

Joint Commission on the Opportunity Gap (JCOG)

This commission provides ongoing review of the systemic racism that contributes to the opportunity gap in the County and is charged with monitoring progress toward eliminating the gap.

Board of Appeals

The Board renders final decisions on appeals related to zonings, licenses, permits, and executive, administrative and adjudicatory orders.

Salary Standard Commission

There is a Salary Standard Commission composed of seven members appointed by the County Council. The Commission shall report to the County Council in accordance with Local Government Article, § 10-302, of the State Code.
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