Most commonly these requests are due to specific site conditions in relation to obtaining compliance with the County Code. Depending on the nature of the request, an applicant may need to apply for Zoning Administration relief, a modification, or an administrative decision. If consideration is granted, mitigation may be necessary to offset the request, therefore mitigation resources are available to assist an applicant in preparing a request.
Zoning Requests
With the assistance of the Zoning Administration staff, an applicant may request that the Office of Planning and Zoning (OPZ) grant relief from strict compliance with specific land development regulations in the County Code. For some requests such as a variance or special exception, after receiving the application, the Office of Administrative Hearings will schedule a public hearing, receive testimony and decide whether to grant or deny the request. A list of types of requests that are conducted via Zoning Administration is included in the dropdown menu below.
- Critical Area Reclassification
- Non-Conforming Use
- Rezoning
- Special Exception
- Variance
- Administrative Zoning Changes
- Growth Allocation
- Twenty-Year Registered Use
- Zoning Verification Letters
- Offsite Directional Signs
- Temporary Use Request
- Farm or Agricultural Heritage Site Special Event Temporary Use
he Zoning Maps are available online at the Zoning Map Viewer. The zoning classification of property is determined by the official Zoning Maps of Anne Arundel County. To identify the zoning of a particular property you need some basic information: Tax ID number, address, or tax map, block, parcel number call 410-222-7437 to request this information.
Critical Area Report Criteria, linked here, is required in addition to the standard Variance Procedures. Standard variance procedural information is available on the Zoning Administration webpage.
Per Article 17-2-108, the Planning and Zoning Officer may approve an application for a modification to any provision with some exceptions as outlined in the Code. For instance, a modification cannot be approved to relieve an applicant of any requirement of community meetings in Article 17-2-107.

Circumstances may arise wherein an applicant is unable to fully comply with the regulations of the County Code. For instance, if an applicant is unable to meet the recreation area requirements for a two lot subdivision, a modification request may be applied from Article 17-6-111(c). Situations such as these require additional approval from the Office of Planning and Zoning, and may necessitate mitigation, fee-in-lieu, or other site design considerations as a result of allowing the modification.
All modifications must be in conjunction with an active subdivision currently being processed, or with an active building/grading permit, with the exception of a modification to forego the Preliminary Plan or Sketch Plan processes.
Note: Floodplain Modifications are a separate application. Find additional information on Floodplain requirements through the Department of Inspections & Permits, Engineering Division.
All modification applications must address the requirements of Article 17-2-108. Applications shall include an explanation letter that specifically address all of the criteria #1-5 detailed in Article 17-2-108(a).
Complete details on how to apply for a modification are available. For Time Extension Modifications, Contact the Development Division directly at 410-222-7458. For all other Modifications, Contact the Permit Center at 410-222-7725 to schedule an appointment.
$250.00 (effective May 12, 2005)
$100.00 fee applies if the project is being reviewed under the pre-2005 subdivision regulations (subdivisions and permits applied for prior to April 4, 2005)
A modification request may require the applicant to hold a Community Meeting per the County Code. Community Meeting requirements are determined by Article 17-2-107. Additional details on Community Meetings are available on our website.
Administrative Decisions
This application process is to be used when an Administrative Decision by the Planning and Zoning Officer is required as part of a Sketch Plan, Final Plan, Amended Plat, Minor Final Plan, Concept Plan, Preliminary Plan, or Site Development Plan. There are no fees required at this time for administrative decision requests. An Administrative Decision is available anytime specified by Code, and a list of types of requests is provided below.
- Adequacy of Public Facilities - School; Storm Drainage; Traffic
- Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transit Infrastructure Fee-In-Lieu
- Design Guidelines for Specific Projects
- Forest Conservation Partial Abandonment Easement
- Front Facade Variation
- Impact Fee Reduction
- Noise Setback
- Odenton Town Center Bonus Program
- Optional Method of Development - Modified Percentage of Combination of Uses
- Parking Program
- Parking Reduction
- Parole Town Center Incentive Program
- Public Utility Extension
- School Waiting List Removal
- Sign Program
Please contact the OPZ Development project manager assigned to the proposed development application to apply for an Administrative Decision directly with that person. For a request to forego the Preliminary Plan and Site Development Plan by exception, please refer to the Green Notice OPZ-22-03 on the procedure to apply for this specific type of Administrative Decision.

Location and HoursĀ
Heritage Complex, Building 2664
2664 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Open: Mon - Fri, 8am-4:30pm
Customer Support: Mon - Fri, 8am - 3:45pm, or by appointment
Telephone Numbers
Residential (410) 222-7458
Regional (410) 222-7485
Critical Area (410) 222-7960
Transportation (410) 222-7462