Free Anne Arundel Parent Seminar - Bridging the Gap with Your Teen

Bridging the Gap Parent Seminar

This event will feature a leading scientist from the National Institute of Health's National Institute on Drug Abuse, Dr. Ruben Baler, as well as a leading youth substance use prevention researcher traveling from the University of Minnesota for this event, Ms. Andria Botzet.  Representatives from the Anne Arundel County Department of Health and Anne Arundel County Public Schools will be present as well. 


Seminar overview:

Alcohol, drug use, and other risk behaviors can be difficult topics to discuss with your teen. This interactive event will help you navigate this difficult but important time with critical information every parent will benefit from. Leading experts will share research-based knowledge and explore tools to help you build and maintain a strong relationship with your teen and the protective factors that will empower you on this journey.

We will discuss:

  • Communication tips for "hard-to-discuss" topics
  • Development and characteristics of the adolescent brain
  • Tools for parents to use as protective factors
  • The continuum of substance use
  • Next steps if your teen may be using alcohol or other drugs
  • Parenting self-care and resources