farm tour 4

I spent some time in south county, touring some of our local farms.

Starting at Triple G Farm, a hay and grain farm, to Enticement Stables at Obligation Farm, then finishing at Knightongale Farm, which had the largest field of sunflowers I have ever seen. Agriculture is a large part of our rich history here in Anne Arundel County. They face challenges that threaten their future. The growing deer population that destroys large portions of the crop, unmaintained trees along roads that create challenges moving their equipment from one farm site to the next, and difficulty finding workers and the next generation of farmers.

If you are interested in supporting our local farmers, visit their farms (those that are open to the public), buy their produce, meats and flowers. And if you have children interested in agriculture, consider our local 4H program, where they can cultivate this interest further.

Thank you to each of our hosts for a wonderful day of education.

farm tour 1

farm tour 2

farm tour 3  

farm tour 5 reset