In recent weeks there have been multiple reports of bikers riding dangerously in and out of traffic, riding against oncoming traffic in traffic lanes, weaving around moving cars in local shopping centers and behaving aggressively towards other bikers and pedestrians on the B&A trail.

Please know that our police are well aware of this safety issue and how dangerous this behavior is. I remain in regular communication with our Eastern District Captain, who shared that a number of special initiatives are targeting the issue.

Examples of these initiatives include posting officers on bikes on the B&A trail with the objective of making contact with the young people that operate their bikes in a reckless manner and establishing a portal where citizens witnessing these activities can take photos of illegal activities and submit those photos to the police department.

These measures have resulted in contact being made with some of these young people.

You can contact the non-emergency number for our police department if you witness or experience an incident 410-222-8610

The online portal can be found at (link is for road bikes too):

Bike Gangs

(Please note the picture is stock and not of an actual incident in our area)