Bill No. 3-25

AN ORDINANCE concerning: General Development Plan – Region 9 Plan

Introduced by Ms. Hummer, Chair (by request of the County Executive)

FOR the purpose of adopting the “Anne Arundel County Region 9 Plan”, as amended by this Ordinance, the region plan for Region Planning Area No. 9, covering the Mayo Peninsula, Galesville, West River, Shady Side, Churchton, Deale, Tracy’s Landing, North Beach, parts of Edgewater, and Friendship, which includes visions, themes, goals, policies, planned land use maps, and implementation strategies for Region 9; amending “Plan2040”, the County’s General Development Plan, by the “Anne Arundel County Region 9 Plan”, as amended by this Ordinance; and generally relating to the “Anne Arundel County Region 9 Plan”.

Region 9 Plan County Council Draft


Defer Vote
Defer Vote