Citations & Proclamations

The County Executive issues Citations and Proclamations to recognize accomplishments and to highlight special announcements. Learn how to submit a request for consideration.


A Citation is the formal act of identifying an individual or entity for something they accomplished or to mark a milestone occasion. Examples include grand openings, anniversaries, retirements, milestone birthdays, and other special events, accomplishments, and occasions.

A Proclamation is an official public announcement that declares a specific date in honor of an observance or other matter of great importance. Examples include Women's History Month, Work Zone Awareness Week, and National Gun Violence Awareness Day. 

NOTE: Submission of a Citation/Proclamation request does not guarantee the approval of said request. Approvals will be made by the County Executive's office on a case by case basis.

County Executive Pittman giving citation

Request a Citation

To request a citation please fill out the request form linked below. Requests should be made 3 weeks or 21 days in advance of the event and must be made by someone other than the recipient. If requests are not made 3 weeks in advance, every attempt will be made to complete your citation but we can't guarantee you will have it in the requested time frame. 

Citation Request Form

Request a Proclamation

To request a proclamation please fill out the request form linked below. All requests should be submitted 30 days in advance to the County Executive's office. The County Executive's office will make the final determination to issue a Proclamation. If requests are not made 30 days in advance, every attempt will be made to complete your proclamation but we can't guarantee you will have it in the requested time frame.   

Proclamation Request Form