County Executive Pittman To Host Transportation Forum Tonight

Annapolis, Md (November 19, 2019)  Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman will host a public forum this evening to discuss county transportation issues. Mr. Pittman will give opening remarks, alongside comments from regional transportation expert Gary V. Hodge and county transportation director Ramond Robinson. They will discuss the state’s three proposed Bay Bridge crossings, whether the county should consider a development moratorium for the congested Route 2 and Route 3 corridors, and strategies to increase transit options in the county.

The speakers will then sit as a panel to take questions and comments from attendees.

“I hope residents will join me and these forward-thinking transportation experts for a discussion about how we can better move people throughout our region,” said Mr. Pittman. “We’ll be sharing your ideas not only at the county level, but also with state and federal officials. We need to hear from you!”

WHO: Steuart Pittman, Anne Arundel County Executive

Gary V. Hodge, regional transportation expert

Ramond Robinson, Anne Arundel County, Director of Transportation

WHEN: Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: Arundel High School cafeteria

1001 Annapolis Road, Gambrills, Md. 21113