County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Attorney General, Anne Arundel County Police Investigation and Indictments for Drug Distribution

Annapolis, MD (Feb. 23, 2022) Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement today regarding the announcement by Attorney General Brian Frosh of a series of drug-related indictments brought against five individuals after a 10-month investigation involving the Anne Arundel County Police Department:

“We know that keeping illegal drugs off of our streets - especially fentanyl, a key driver of opioid-related deaths across the nation - is critical to our county’s public safety efforts. 

We also know that doing so is not easy. It takes hard work and talented detectives and prosecutors. It takes time and resources, so that those working difficult cases have what they need to pursue investigations. And it takes partnership and collaboration across agencies and jurisdictions, so that information is shared and used to the greatest extent possible.

I want to thank Attorney General Brian Frosh for partnering with Anne Arundel County Police Chief Amal Awad and our Police Department, for their shared efforts in pursuing this investigation. In particular, I would like to recognize and thank the work of our detectives in the Police Department’s Narcotics and Special Investigations Division for their patience and expertise on this case. I also want to thank State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess and her team, for their collaborative efforts with the Attorney General in pursuing these indictments.

Today’s announcement shows how our investments in public safety continue to provide our agencies with the personnel and resources to make our communities safer. Thank you again to Attorney General Frosh, and to all those who contributed to this effort.”