County Executive Pittman Issues Statement Regarding Text Messages Containing Disinformation About The Status of Masks in Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Annapolis, MD (May 19, 2022) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement regarding text messages containing disinformation about the status of masks in Anne Arundel County Public Schools:

“On Tuesday evening, a mass text message was sent to a number of families across Anne Arundel County containing disinformation about the status of masks in Anne Arundel County Public Schools. The message contained intentionally inaccurate and misleading information designed to confuse parents and students. 

Only the Board of Education can determine whether AACPS students will be required to mask. Our Health Officer makes recommendations based on science and data, but ultimately, the Board of Education decides on what policies to implement in our schools.

Our students and educators have spent the last two years under tremendous strain, and have responded with grace and perseverance time and again. To those who sent this message to our families - this type of disinformation has no place in our community. Shame on you."