County Executive Pittman Lifts County COVID Restrictions on Social Gatherings

Data shows County’s COVID trends moving in positive direction, County Executive urges residents to continue getting vaccinated

Annapolis, MD (April 27, 2021) - County Executive Steuart Pittman announced today the lifting of county COVID-19 limits on social gatherings, based on encouraging declines in Anne Arundel County’s COVID case rate and hospitalizations. The changes will go into effect at 5pm on Tuesday, April 27.

"This decision to loosen restrictions is based on trust. Trust that our residents will do their part to end this pandemic by getting vaccinated as soon as possible," said County Executive Steuart Pittman. "To avoid future COVID surges and the need for safety restrictions, we must reach herd immunity." 

The County’s executive orders can be found here. For more information on Anne Arundel County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit