County Executive Pittman Releases FY23 Budget Proposal, Video

FY23 budget proposal includes taxpayer savings, record investments in education, public safety, parks, health, and smart infrastructure

Annapolis, MD (April 28, 2022) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman released his FY23 budget proposal today with a video address to residents. The budget includes savings for taxpayers, alongside record investments in education, public safety, parks, health, and smart infrastructure. To view the budget video, click here. For full text of the budget speech, click here.

“The wise investments that we made in ourselves over the last three years not only improved our bond rating, but also allowed us this year to provide tax relief, prepare us for future economic challenges, and make record investments in education, public safety, parks, and smart infrastructure,” County Executive Steuart Pittman said. “This budget proposal is a direct response to requests by residents at 29 Budget Town Halls over the last four years to invest in the institutions of local government that serve and protect our people and our environment.”

The County Executive’s FY23 budget proposal includes:

Taxpayer Benefits

  • Lower income tax

    • Last year, the County Executive worked hard to pass the Tax Relief for Working Families Act in the Maryland General Assembly. 

    • This year, the County Executive’s budget proposal uses the bill’s new authority to lower the income tax rate on the first $50,000 of taxable income for every taxpayer, from 2.81% to 2.70%. 

    • This will save each taxpayer up to $50, and keeps Anne Arundel County’s income tax rate the lowest in the Baltimore region.

  • Property tax rate set below the cap

    • Anne Arundel County’s property tax revenue cap went into effect in 1993. 

    • Since that time, the property tax rate has been set at the maximum level allowed in 24 out of 28 years. This year, that rate is 96.2 cents per $100 value.

    • In the FY 23 budget proposal, the County Executive calls for a rate 3 cents lower, 93.3 cents. This saves the average homeowner $100, and keeps the County’s property tax rate significantly lower than any of its central Maryland neighbors.

  • Structural deficit eliminated

    • The County Executive’s FY23 budget proposal completely eliminates the structural deficit.

  • Reduced Borrowing

    • For the first time ever, the county will reduce borrowing for capital projects, from $170 million to $160 million.

    • That is possible because conservative budgeting left a fund balance that allows us to invest a record $205 million up-front - or paygo - protecting future taxpayers.

  • Rainy Day Fund

    • The County’s record rainy day fund impressed the bond rating agencies by showing the County is well-protected from future economic downturns.

    • The County Executive’s FY23 budget proposal grows that fund again - to the maximum allowable by law.


  • Capital Budget

    • For the first time in the County’s history, the budget proposal includes funding for 100% of the Board of Education’s capital budget request for the coming year.

    • This includes moving Old Mill Middle School North into the six-year schedule.

  • Back steps and salary

    • The budget proposal restores back step increases and makes all units of AACPS employees whole.

    • It also fully funds the Board of Education’s request for pay increases for all teachers, staff, and school bus drivers.

  • Blueprint for Maryland’s Future

    • The budget proposal fully funds obligations under the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, including comprehensive changes to Maryland’s early childhood and public schools to provide promise and opportunity for all children.

    • The budget sets a new county record of $50 million over the state maintenance of effort requirement, which is also a record $50 million over last year’s budget. 

  • New Positions, including:

    • 119 new special education positions

    • 29 new social/emotional learning positions

    • 48 new pre-k positions to convert half-day programs to full-day pre-k classrooms

    • 20 new English language development positions 

    • 3 new bilingual facilitators 

    • 140 new classroom teacher positions, including the final year of staffing required to fully open Crofton High School 

Public Safety

  • 911 Call Center

    • Design and construction of a new 911 Call Center, combining police and fire call takers into one unified operation under the Office of Emergency Management.

  • Police Capital budget

    • The budget proposal includes a replacement for the dilapidated firing range, a new forensics facility, and a new special operations facility.

    • To attract and retain the best officers in the region, the budget proposal provides cars to all officers, with a $3.7 million investment in 55 new vehicles.

  • Police staffing

    • The budget funds a Police Accountability Board Director and Assistant, as well as new staff to handle public information requests, body worn camera review, expungements, and victim witness support.

  • Fire Apparatus

    • The budget proposal includes $2 million to replace the County’s oldest fire boat and $4 million for nine new vehicles, including a tower ladder truck. 

  • Fire staffing

    • The budget continues to provide additional funds to train and certify new EMTs, and it also creates three new EMS supervisor positions to manage the growing operation.

Recreation & Parks

  • Parks

    • The budget proposal includes two new parks - Tanyard Springs and South Shore - and major investments in Bacon Ridge at Forney, Odenton Library Park, Deale, and the new Brooklyn Park Center. 

    • It also includes upgrades to 25 playgrounds

  • Water Access

    • The budget proposal provides water access site improvements totaling a combined $7.8 million in investments.

  • Accessibility

    • The budget proposal invests in upgrades to make park facilities more accessible to visitors with disabilities.

Economy, Housing, and Health

  • Inclusive Ventures

    • The budget proposal adds $1.3 million to the Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation’s Inclusive Ventures Program to support emerging minority and small business operators.

  • Affordable Housing Trust Fund

    • The budget proposal invests $10 million in the County’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

  • Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park

    • The budget proposal includes $3.5 million to restore a building on the campus to become the Crownsville Health and Wellness Center, and incubator that will house emerging nonprofits, offer services to residents of the treatment centers operating nearby, and be a temporary home for the county team that will manage the restoration of the site.

“This is the strongest, most responsible budget I have seen since I first became involved in Anne Arundel County government in 2010,” said Chris Trumbauer, County Budget Officer. “The deliberate and careful planning in our last three budgets earned us a coveted AAA bond rating, and this proposed budget will help us secure that rating while investing in key county services and programs. It truly is the best budget - for all.”